Im worried about my cham

Rhank you love reps. According to what you said she is either bored or has an illness. It has to be one or the other. So I will need to see if she eats these insects...if not I need a vet. Any ideas on what to bring her in?
My chams travel to the vet in style:
a roomy cardboard box with a vine to grip onto, secured on each end to the outside of the box and a towel on the bottom. :D
Thank you so much for your help, I wouldnt know what to do without your expertise. I will not make her eat anymore and get her to the vet by the end of the month.:D
Thank you so much for your help, I wouldnt know what to do without your expertise. I will not make her eat anymore and get her to the vet by the end of the month.:D
Glad to help you and your cham.
Learning things the hard way is the worst way, so I try to help others when I am able to.

I definitely wouldn't wait until after Christmas to see the vet if she doesn't start eating within a day or two after the new bugs arrive.
The sooner, the better, when it comes to getting medicine for a sick cham.
Chams, being near the bottom of the food chain, hide all signs of illness for as long as they possibly can, so there is less time to act than with other animals.
Once they are showing signs of illness, it means that they are no longer strong enough to hide it.
For this reason, infections and parasites can do greater harm to chams in a much shorter time than you'd suspect, as compared to dogs, cats or hardy lizards like bearded dragons, so you don't get weeks to decide.

Glad you got her some new UV lighting.
Your cham is lucky to have a very caring keeper..

We're all rooting for your cham to not be ill, but please research vets now with the links that I posted earlier, just in case she is.

You can always post pictures of her, as everyone here loves chams and cham pictures!
I unfortunately cannot get her to the vet sooner because of financial reasons. Believe me, I am trying to get the money ASAP. I already have the appointment booked for the 28th and I think I can get the money. Unfortunately that is the way it is. She did not eat the new feeders either. So what really sucks now is that I am 100% sure she is sick, and I cannot bring her to the vet soon enough:mad:.

I also have a question-

I realize the reason for parasites is uncleanly cage. How do you think I should clean the cage, and how often? I do not want to use bleach because I do not want white spots on my cage. Do you reccomend any commercial products that I can buy? This is just for the future and any future chameleons I have since I do not think I have been cleaning her cage enough. I only clean out with hot water and soap maybe once a month. Unfortunately I may have made an error that is costly too my cham......well, you live and you learn. I appreciate the help very much Lovereps, I am so thankful to have your expertise as how you have made me an excellent chameleon owner.
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