impaction/eggbound new rescue

finally a BM and urate. the Bm was rock hard almost constipated stool at the beginning and tapered to a softer stool that I recognize as normal for chameleons meaning she was also dehydrated when I got her, same for the urate very yellow and stiff beginning to light fluffy white urate finish so signs she is now properly hydrated. she is drinking her fill from the syringe I hold it slightly left of her face and she laps untill she doesnt want any more then turns away ignoring it. if I present it when she isn't thirsty she ignores it but she drinks a little almost every time I present it usually at least a cc.
so I shot a vid of her eating the first cricket she turned so you could see well so I shot her eating the second one too. I didn't even realize I was talking to her till I watched it. lol

update, unfortunately she took a turn for the worse over the weekend and started to refuse both food and water. the vet said her internal organs had began to fail so we had to euthanize her. the official diagnosis was death due to improper early life care. crap.
update, unfortunately she took a turn for the worse over the weekend and started to refuse both food and water. the vet said her internal organs had began to fail so we had to euthanize her. the official diagnosis was death due to improper early life care. crap.

I'm sorry :( I tried everything I could when I received a flapneck cham from BackwaterReptiles. DO NOT PURCHASE FROM THEM! They sent me my flapneck male and he arrived sick and very underweight. Two vet trips and around $170 spent and a dead Cham and broken heart to show for it. It isn't even fully known what was the matter with him. Watching him seize several times and then give up broke both my and my grandmother's hearts. I have yet to hear back from them for a refund.
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