Important astrobiological discovery


Biologist & Ecologist
This is awesome!!!!!!! I have been waiting to see what this is all about. This whole, life somewhere else thing (that I already believe in), just keeps getting bigger and bigger. Hundreds of new planets, planets in goldilocks zones, crazy new UFO sightings on video and at airports, etc. Wonder how religions will try and twist things when the real facts are finally told to the public?
I know, I'm really excited about this stuff as well. But this confirms that you can't assume that ALL life everywhere is going to be built upon the same principles and elements. The same applies when trying to communicate with extraterrestrial intelligence, we base it on the assumption that they also use radiowaves for communication and that may not be the case at all. But that's for a different discussion, probably!
Here is the updated info for anyone who is too lazy to follow links! :D

I know, I thought it was going to be alien life also. But this is still interesting because it means we don't know what to expect from extraterrestrial life. Scientists have been looking for organisms built the same way we are and now this means that we've been looking with tunnel vision. With this discovery, scientists are going to have to leave no rock unturned, so to speak, because we don't know how and what alien life is like.
so the life form is ON earth... lol i take an Astronomy class at my college called Search for Life in the Universe. so i don't normally believe whats on the news, but Nasa is a reputable source so ill be sure to mention this to my professor!!
This is awesome!!!!!!! I have been waiting to see what this is all about. This whole, life somewhere else thing (that I already believe in), just keeps getting bigger and bigger. Hundreds of new planets, planets in goldilocks zones, crazy new UFO sightings on video and at airports, etc. Wonder how religions will try and twist things when the real facts are finally told to the public?

"Wonder how religions will try and twist things when the real facts are finally told to the public?"

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