Important news!!!


Established Member
I just noticed I am currently at 99 posts since joining the CHAMELEON FORUMS!!! Up until recently, I have been pretty quiet when coming on here, SOOOOO, what a better way in celebrating my 100th post, by creating this useless thread.

And in celebrating, I'll be posting a pictures of my latest Chameleon addition....LUNCHBOX.

So I hope everyone in having a great day, and its great hanging with you awesome people from time to time.


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I just got him from a guy on the Classifieds (I'll keep him nameless because in no way am I bashing him or trying to make him look bad for selling such a small chameleon). He's suppose to be 3 months old. I'm having a hard time believing that though, but I'll take his work for it. Anyways, Lunch box is a Bar Bar Ambilobe. I've have him about 1 week and a half now. I'm feeding him 1/4" crickets. I'm thinking about ordering some pin head crickets, because i wasn't expecting such a small 3 month old chameleon. No to mention, no stores round here sell pin head crickets. I will say, I've only seen him eat once, but I am seeing poop on the leaves, so that's a good sign. I will say for a baby chameleon he isn't moving a whole lot, I'm just hoping he's a slow grower.
everyone it was me

I believe I have made a mistake. And one of the younger chams made there way into the older ones tank. I am missing one from chames that have arrived from may 5 threw the 15. His brother is very healthy so im not worried about his health and feel very bad about my mistake. I would never send s cham so young!! If in any way this little guy doesnt make it I WILL replace him... god I feel like a *** im making so many stupid little mistakes. I need to pay better attention! I owned up to lrt everyone know im a honest guy that made a simple mistake. Lets see how this plays out ...if he dont make it I will replace him.
Its good your seeing poop. His brother hangs out in one area of the tank doesnt really move far from a favorite cluster of leaves and branches. He posts up and merks flys and crickets. I will send some fruit flys to you for free they will be ready in about a week. They are home made with multivits and raspey superfoods makes for big plump healthy flys. Sorry for the mix up I will fix it
I believe I have made a mistake. And one of the younger chams made there way into the older ones tank. I am missing one from chames that have arrived from may 5 threw the 15. His brother is very healthy so im not worried about his health and feel very bad about my mistake. I would never send s cham so young!! If in any way this little guy doesnt make it I WILL replace him... god I feel like a *** im making so many stupid little mistakes. I need to pay better attention! I owned up to lrt everyone know im a honest guy that made a simple mistake. Lets see how this plays out ...if he dont make it I will replace him.

Faith in Humanity restored <3 they left you nameless and you still came forward with admitting your mistake, that is awesome, I truly hope the little guy makes it, its always so sad to loose an animal especially one so young. Good luck with keeping him alive, ill pray for him <3
I believe I have made a mistake. And one of the younger chams made there way into the older ones tank. I am missing one from chames that have arrived from may 5 threw the 15. His brother is very healthy so im not worried about his health and feel very bad about my mistake. I would never send s cham so young!! If in any way this little guy doesnt make it I WILL replace him... god I feel like a *** im making so many stupid little mistakes. I need to pay better attention! I owned up to lrt everyone know im a honest guy that made a simple mistake. Lets see how this plays out ...if he dont make it I will replace him.

While it is nice of you to admit your mistake, I have to say you should notice when you put it in the cup that it is very small. Hopefully it was healthy enough that it does ok. And that the recipient was prepared for such a small guy and tiny feeders.
I left you nameless because we were communicating behind the scenes. I personally don't think you needed to come forward, because so far your customer service has been on point. Like i said earlier, I just don't want to kill the little fella thinking he's 3 months old.

I believe I have made a mistake. And one of the younger chams made there way into the older ones tank. I am missing one from chames that have arrived from may 5 threw the 15. His brother is very healthy so im not worried about his health and feel very bad about my mistake. I would never send s cham so young!! If in any way this little guy doesnt make it I WILL replace him... god I feel like a *** im making so many stupid little mistakes. I need to pay better attention! I owned up to lrt everyone know im a honest guy that made a simple mistake. Lets see how this plays out ...if he dont make it I will replace him.
I'll keep you updated on his health. Thanks for your help VanGogh

Its good your seeing poop. His brother hangs out in one area of the tank doesnt really move far from a favorite cluster of leaves and branches. He posts up and merks flys and crickets. I will send some fruit flys to you for free they will be ready in about a week. They are home made with multivits and raspey superfoods makes for big plump healthy flys. Sorry for the mix up I will fix it
its my faught andci admit my mistakes

Shd your right I should have but didnt thanks for pointing out the mistake I was slready admitting have feeders comming tomorrow I got 3 cups ready to go. I need 2 of them im going to send you the other I dont think you should wait a week for the other honest and admitting the problem and making it right is better then speculation in the forum
Thanks for flies. I have no problems with your customer service VanGogh. I have no reasons to bad mouth you or your business. Things happen. I hope your business booms, and I still look forward in being a repeat customer.

Shd your right I should have but didnt thanks for pointing out the mistake I was slready admitting have feeders comming tomorrow I got 3 cups ready to go. I need 2 of them im going to send you the other I dont think you should wait a week for the other honest and admitting the problem and making it right is better then speculation in the forum
Thanks for flies. I have no problems with your customer service VanGogh. I have no reasons to bad mouth you or your business. Things happen. I hope your business booms, and I still look forward in being a repeat customer.

Shd your right I should have but didnt thanks for pointing out the mistake I was slready admitting have feeders comming tomorrow I got 3 cups ready to go. I need 2 of them im going to send you the other I dont think you should wait a week for the other honest and admitting the problem and making it right is better then speculation in the forum
No excuses ...I stand by my hobby and products. I have sold almost all the chams from the last clutch and the only problem is with my first offical sale figures. The flys are not s problem I will send more in a week if need be...or wait a sec.. ha genius! I will send some of my personal home made medium its great stuff I would stand it next to joshs frogs any day.. I wont tell you whats in it but it grows big flys lol and its an all organic mix..I out in work improving this recipe. I will send it with the cup of flys
I just noticed I am currently at 99 posts since joining the CHAMELEON FORUMS!!! Up until recently, I have been pretty quiet when coming on here, SOOOOO, what a better way in celebrating my 100th post, by creating this useless thread.

And in celebrating, I'll be posting a pictures of my latest Chameleon addition....LUNCHBOX.

So I hope everyone in having a great day, and its great hanging with you awesome people from time to time.

Lunchbox is a cute little guy. I sure hope his name doesn't mean you plan to eat him.:eek::eek: That would be a really expensive snack.:)
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