in need of info


New Member
okay i know my chameleon has MBD, i just baught him a UV light about 3 weeks ago and it seems like hes doing alot better but he doesn't really have that great of joint movement with his front legs, will this get better over time or will it always be that way?
you should take him to a vet ASAP. i just double checked my thoughts and i was right. MBD cant be reversed, but stopped. your vet wil most likely give him a calcium shot.
It's not one or the other!
They need a UVB flourescent tube, gut loaded feeders and supplements!!!
You need to take your chameleon to the vet and start doing some more advanced research on proper husbandry.
How long have you had the cham?
i have had him for about 5 months but i dont think they were taking very good care of him at the store i got him from but thanks for all the help everyone, its my first cham and im still learning
Spend time researching...............

I hope you do spend some time on Brad Ramsey's site and this site. Where do you live? Real sunshine would be most beneficial. Most of us are not lucky enough to live where that is possible this time of year. A Reptisun 10.0 tube light is the next best thing. You really should take this cham to the vet. A vet can give you some products that will get his calcium levels up quickly and safely. I hope you will go the extra mile to get him the care he needs. His life is totally in your hands. He can't go out and get the items or products he needs to get his health back. Am crossing my fingers for this cham.................
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