In Need of URGENT Advice!!! Tongue issues :(


I don't know if I really need to fill this out as I already know what the issue is, I just don't know how to deal with it. I'll fill it out anyways.

Chameleon Info:
  • Your Chameleon - Charlie, female veiled, between 7-8 months, have had her about 3 months.
  • Handling - It was only during cage cleanings, which was once every couple weeks, until recently. Now it's twice a day to give meds/assist feed.
  • Feeding - Usually 10-12 small-medium crickets every other day, gutloaded with cricket crack and greens. Now it's "carnivore care" (like Reptaboost) from the vet.
  • Supplements - Zoomed calc w/o d3 at every feeding with crickets. Zoomed calc w/ d3 twice a month, reptivite twice a month
  • Watering - Dripper and mistking mister. Mister is on five times a day ranging from 3-5 minutes depending on time of day. Only seen her drink a few times, but urates are white.
  • Fecal Description - Normal according to the Poop 101 thread. Never been tested.
  • History - Currently has a tongue infection.

Cage Info:
  • Cage Type - 16x16x30 screen cage
  • Lighting - Don't remember the brands, but I believe reptisun 5.0 dome lights. In the process of getting linears. 12/12 lighting schedule.
  • Temperature - Ambient is in low 70s, basking is in low 80s, have a temp gun.
  • Humidity - Hovers around 50, have a hygrometer near cage, set it inside periodically to see inside levels. Have a dripper, mister, and live plants.
  • Plants - Pothos
  • Placement - In bedroom, high up (top is maybe 2 ft from ceiling), low traffic area.
  • Location - Desert region of SoCal

Current Problem - Last week, I noticed Charlie had swelling and was struggling to use her tongue to eat her crickets. I took her to Dr. Greek's in the LA area, where Dr. Moore said it was a tongue infection. She gave me antibiotics and liquid food, which I've been giving her. Charlie, however, has taken a downward turn. Her swelling is not going down, she's very irritable and is getting more and more aggressive as we handle her. And now, she's doing this extremely troubling thing where she lets her tongue out of her mouth (doesn't shoot it, just lets it fall out), looks like she's retching, and kind of swings her tongue around for a moment before pulling it back in. She has another appointment in two days, but I'm very worried about what to do until then. I don't want her to injure her tongue or choke or anything, and I feel like the appointment is so far away, but that's the only time we can go.

What should I do? Should I put her in a smaller, modified cage to hopefully prevent her from injuring herself? Should I leave her be?

Any advice is extremely helpful! I'll upload a video of what she's doing in a moment. I'm just so worried.
Call Dr. Greek’s office first thing in the morning and tell them about her problems. They may suggest something else for you to do or they may need to see her again.

Yeah, I called earlier and told them what she was doing and they said bring her back in, so I scheduled for Wednesday, but she's just continually getting worse. After reading your message, I decided to call back (with like, 2 minutes until closing, luckily) to see if they had any tips, and they suggested I bring her in tomorrow morning. I have to call off work, but my students will understand. They've become invested in Charlie's situation, and Charlie really needs to see the vet again.

Her tongue is very swollen. I tend to think the worst, and I fear they'll need to amputate. That's probably reaching a bit, but it's a real fear at this point. She's just absolutely miserable. (sleeping soundly now though, thankfully)

Thank you for your advice!
Yeah, I called earlier and told them what she was doing and they said bring her back in, so I scheduled for Wednesday, but she's just continually getting worse. After reading your message, I decided to call back (with like, 2 minutes until closing, luckily) to see if they had any tips, and they suggested I bring her in tomorrow morning. I have to call off work, but my students will understand. They've become invested in Charlie's situation, and Charlie really needs to see the vet again.

Her tongue is very swollen. I tend to think the worst, and I fear they'll need to amputate. That's probably reaching a bit, but it's a real fear at this point. She's just absolutely miserable. (sleeping soundly now though, thankfully)

Thank you for your advice!

I had a new import that had an abscess on her tongue as well as a very severe face rub down to the bone. She was able to use her tongue even though it was infected. She did fine. Your girl has some issues mine didn't have but I just wanted to share my story to give you some support.
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