In the mood for some McLovin'??? ;)


Avid Member
This guy has got to be the coolest Cham I have ever owned...
He just went through a shed, and has been extra friendly lately. I went crazy with my P&S ...Had to post the pics... Hope You enjoy!

PS: I decided I am going to produce a clutch from this guy... he is too cool looking. Oh ... and please excuse the disgusting amount of pics.:D

When I open his cage this is his favorite thing to do...
Cruises out to check out the scenery... see if there are any babes in site.




Who you callin' a "Mutt" Punk???:cool:

Then he starts to ask to be picked up...




Can I say no to that face?

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He is a total stunner!

I love when they come out and then lean forward to be picked up. We have 2 that do that- a male Veiled (Guido) and a male Meller's (Hercules). Both of them are in open ranges, but both like to come over and ask to be picked up. Hercules, will practically fall out of the free range to get to me sometimes (when he's in the mood).
Thanks for the compliment Sandy:).

Hercules, will practically fall out of the free range to get to me sometimes (when he's in the mood).
That sounds adorable... I love admiring Herc's pics... He quite the Charachter... My fav was watching him stand up to Megana when she tried to run him out in that video... Calssic.:D
When are you gonna be breeding that guy out? He has some awesome colors. I wouldnt mind getting a little one from him :p
Thanks Guys...

I am waiting for the female I have to become receptive. I actually noticed this morning that she was showing the most recpetive colors I have seen on her yet... But last time I thought that...She ended up not wanting any soo time will tell. As soon as there are some eggs in the Oven you guys will k:Dnow.
Thanks Royden... My shots don't even compare to yours... Maybe one day I will be lucky enough to have you shoot my chams! :D Let me know when you are in So Cal!
when McLovin gets down to doin some matress mombo and your female has eggs you gotta let me know cuz i want one he is my fav cham besides mine haha!
Joe, he is so beautiful:eek:. Be sure you DO let us know when you've got some buns in the oven! They'll all be sold up before they're even hatched!

Seriously though, McLovin is one of the most beautiful chameleons I've seen. And ya gotta love the name!
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