New Member
I've been attempting to feed my baby panther with some tongs every day when I stop by my hosue on my lunch break. I got him to take 3 crickets in a row just once about 2 weeks ago. That one day he wasn't hesitant at all, just went right in for the kill. Since then, he hasn't taken a cricket from me again. A few times he's takin it once I've let the cricket down on a nearby branch and moved away. Some days he backs off so I withdraw and try again the next, but he usually sits there and looks back and forth between me and the cricket. I havn't made any changes to his cage or routine, so idk why but it seems we have taken a step backwards.
Hasn't anyone experienced this one day they trust you another they dont kidn of deal?
I was thinking maybe I should use new menu item for the tong feeding attempts. Maybe a dessert item. Anyone know where to find really small horn worms? he's 3 months..
Hasn't anyone experienced this one day they trust you another they dont kidn of deal?
I was thinking maybe I should use new menu item for the tong feeding attempts. Maybe a dessert item. Anyone know where to find really small horn worms? he's 3 months..