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I didn't plan on breeding my chameleons just yet. My daughter let my female out to walk on our plant bridge after I had already let my male out. my daughter and wife said they didn't see any fooling around. fast forward a month, my female layed a clutch. I looked up pictures of fertilized and underutilized eggs on this forum. These eggs didn't look like the fertilized pictures. I was about to through them out when my daughter asked me to save them just in case. reluctantly I agreed to keep them until they started smelling. I left the rest alone in the laying bucket. Curiosity got the best of me 6 months later. I dug two up. They were completely white but in good shape. I cut one open but didn't see anything but yellow yolk. At this point I was sure they were unfertalized but was confused why they hadn't molded. I listened to my daughter once again and left the rest alone. We are at 9 months now so I cut another one open. This one had eyes. I'm a little freaked out as I didn't plan on this.
Should I leave the eggs alone or should I rush out and get an incubator?
Should I leave the eggs alone or should I rush out and get an incubator?