Incubation scare...


New Member
So I have a panther chameleon egg thats been incubating at about 74 degrees since janurary. Long story short here... I left for work today with the light turned on in the small closet where the egg is and the closet got upto 85 degrees when I got home! I'm really worried that I could have cooked the egg and afterall I feel that the poor egg has been through enough already now it just was exposed to that heat. Does anyone know if this will harm the egg?
You will be fine with a short time exposure to that temp. Its on the high end of the range, but not threatening, especially for that short period of time.
Thank you for the info!! I've got the temp stabilized now again. I'm so excited about that egg and it could really change things for me so I have a lot of hope for it and really getting me started on ambolobe's. Thanks again.
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