Indoor and outdoor enclosure ???


So i just made a nice new enclosure outsude because i got tired of carrying mine in and out all the time. but it isnt exactly the same as the one inside i was just wondering if this was going to stress my chameleon out to much bringing him in and out all the time or will he get used to both tanks. any feedback is apreciated thanx
well its been out there for a few hours and it just ate a superworm and cricket i dont think its too stressed out> its so much easier to carry a chameleon than a 5 foot tall tank haha
just look and see how your cham reacts...more than likely, if he is in natural sunlight, he wont really care...just make sure it isnt too hot if you have him in the direct sun and keep him hydrated
I rotate my chameleon throughout the course of the day between an indoor cage, outdoor cage and freerange. I think he enjoys the change of scenery and doesnt seem to stress him a bit.
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