infertile or fertile???


New Member
I've attached the link to a picture of the clutch that my veiled just layed...

I've assumed that they are infertile because I did not mate her with a male. I purchased her at 4 months old, so she was not sexually mature when she was caged with males her age at the reptile store...

But... I thought that infertile eggs look darker than fertile eggs and are often damaged and not very healthy looking?!?!? Camille's clutch looked very healthy, so I'm a little confused. Please take a look at the picture and tell me what you think. Thanks.
They look infertile to me. However, It is just an educated guess considering I have no idea where you girl has been and I can't see the eggs in person. I guess time will tell.
To me they look very much fertile. Keep them in hatchrite if they mold then they are no good. They look very uniform and mostly white and decent size. interesting that she has not been with a male though!
I meant to type fertile, sorry. Like I said time will tell so incubate them like they are good and they will mold up in a week or so if they are infertile. Best of Luck!
i have never had eggs myself..however i have seen infertile and they look nothing like your perfect little eggs
Because she had not been mated, the eggs were tossed. Perhaps I should have waited.... I'm a little disappointed with myself.

I don't see how they could have been fertile though, and I am puzzled as to why they looked so healthy.

Thanks for the input guys. I will be mating her next time, now that I've been through the process and know what to expect.
there are dozens of variables as to why a clutch of eggs looks one way or another. but from what you say, those eggs would be duds, or u just killed a clutch of jesus chams >.< visual wise, you cant know from the photos u see online and what you see before you. my last clutch had a 100% hatch rate and looked yellow and thin shelled and half of everything the internet said was a bad sign until the month before they hatched. if not for the fact they didnt rot, i woulda pitched my clutch, crying.
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