Info on gargoyle geckos needed


So for Christmas, my mom was going to buy me a dart frog and I was really excited. Although, over time I realized I want something more tolerant of handling but still can live in a beautiful vivarium. I thought cresties but I find gargoyles a bit cuter:) So I've been reading up on them as I'm hoping I can get one or just the enclosure at an expo next week.(this isn't an impulse buy, I've researched them before but I'm now going more indepth) So if anyone could give me a link of a good care sheet or info on some sort of gecko forum like this, it would be really appreciated. Thanks and merry christmas!:)
I don't have a care sheet link, but I used to keep and bred both and I kept mine the same. Only difference was I used gargoyle gecko food instead of crested gecko food for the gargoyles.
I've decided to just go for a crested because I can get a could deal on an enclosure kit for a 12x12x18 exo terra with everything and I know gargoyles need a bigger tank. At this point I may not get one due to money, I know they all reptiles require money and commitment but this would basically be my only present except for a few other things. I was able to get everything, not including the gecko, for $171, the tank,food,plants, dirt, lighting and I already have misters, timers and supplements for my pygmy.
If you go to YouTube and look up jbscresties she has some great videos on how to make cheap and efficient enclosures for geckos! They may not be the prettiest things in the world, but they are good set ups. I've even used them before. She is also a great breeder. I suggest you take a look at

I'll attach the link below, however when deciding between a Gargoyle Gecko and a Crested Gecko, care is basically the same. Crested Gecko is a great diet for them as well. Mine prefers it over insects, and it eats it all up in nearly a night or two.

Best of luck with your decision.
My main problem now is whether or not a 12x12x18 exo terra will give an adult gecko a long happy life, what to you think?
My main problem now is whether or not a 12x12x18 exo terra will give an adult gecko a long happy life, what to you think?

I know breeders do keep theirs in 18"x18"x24" terrariums as breeder pair enclosures. You could also get a younger one and raise it in that for a few months and upgrade. If you do ever get into breeding them which they are very easy to breed and raise, you can use it as a juvie grow tank.
Yeah, personally- I wouldn't go that small. That's like a 10 gallon aquarium tank stood on it's end.

It's OK up to a point, and these lizards are so hardy that it will work forever, but these lizards like to climb and hop.
The thing is babies need smaller enclosures so if youre buying a young gecko, you don't need to go large for quite some time. I keep both species (and also chahoua), and both make great pets, but yes gargs do need larger cages but in their defense they are most often larger than cresteds (weight wise). I start hatchlings off in 6qt containers until they are 4g then I move them up into 12qt containers, then at 8-10g they are moved into 10 gallon tanks. But I am also a breeder and have quite a few so having aquariums around is quite cumbersome!

Keep young geckos in 2-5 gallons until they hit 10g then you can upgrade them to 10 gallons (or the 12 x 12 x 18 exo as thats 11 gallons). 10 gallons really is the minimum for an adult although I personally prefer 15 gallons for a single adult. Both have the same requirements temp and humidity wise however with a gargoyle you will want more branches as they can not climb smooth surfaces as easily as a crested gecko.
I'm just going to get a 18x18x18 and get a crested because they seem a bit cheaper unless I see a decent gargoyle.
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