New Member
I have a pair of ambilobes that have bred a couple times. The first time was unknown. The female got out of her set up outside and mated with the male thru his cage then ran up a tree. It took me 2 days to find her. Please dont make the same mistake I did and have a bottom for the cage. All was fine untill it got bumped. Anyway all those eggs died. I think I did every thing right to incubate. She was around 6 months old then. could she have been too young? I got a hold of the company I got them off of and the guy said to keep breeding her because she would lay anyway from sperm retention. So i did again and about half the eggs died this time. Again I think I had the setup for incubating right. I use vermiculite in tupperware container with ceranwrap to keep the moisture, keep it around 72 degrees in the containers and put them in the dark. she laid another clutch yesterday of 25 and agian I have them in the same set up. i dont know if they are related. They sent me papers for the first cham I got that was supposed to be a male but ended up a female. The papers had her both of her parents listed. They gave me a discount on my next purchase so I got a male whos papers only stated the dad. Could this have an effect if they are both from the same mom? Please these are my first few attempts at breeding any feed back would be great. You can tell me im a moron for anything besides not having a bottom on the cage I already know this. I dont want to keep putting the stress on the female for no results and I want the best for all my chams.
Thanks, Cain
Thanks, Cain