Info. please


New Member
:)Hi, Im new to this forum and am wondering which chameleon is good for some one who hasnt had chams for several years. I have had and raised veiled and jacksons previously. Should I start with them again or just get what I want, a panther? Any advice is appreciated.
Thanks, Blane:
if you've done jacksons and veiled before, its more about how comfortable you feel with the husbandry you will be providing. if you question your knowledge and wanna be on the safe side, i would stick with a veiled. but if you are confident and knowledgable i dont see why you cant go with what you want.
The differences I've noticed so far between veileds and panthers is not enough to consider panthers an upgrade. The difference is a price difference. And if you've kept veileds before, you know what your in for.
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