Infrared chameleon...

I think this is the main reason my dwarfs will climb onto me any chance they get: I'm all warm and squidgy.
I had one of the professors from the University I work at come to my house in December with all this fancy equipment to see if the veiled chameleons cask was used to cool down their body by pushing blood into it, much as the dinosaurs would had possibly done. They study how the bearded dragon thermoregulates their body temp at the University and wanted to see if it would work on a cham. It was very cool to see the images but unfortunatley I have no pics of the experience.
I think this is the main reason my dwarfs will climb onto me any chance they get: I'm all warm and squidgy.

My chams love to get on me and love the warmth of my body. Late in the evening they wil accutally snuggle on my chest and lay their little heads over on me. So sweet even if they are just getting warm.
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