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A friend of mine graduated this semester leaving me with his veiled Chameleon. I assume the chameleon is an adult. Sadly enough my friend did not know how to care for the poor gal either, due to the fact, oddly enough, she was a stray. She just wandered into our yard this summer, living in Michigan this is a very strange site. And she comes with health issues, probably unintentionally caused by my friend. Her health is deteriorating, I went to the local pet store and I am doing every thing as instructed. I am regulating the 10 g cages temp heat and light in the day with the bulbs they provided me, dark at night. I am gut loading the crickets, as well as using a Vitamin C powder which she was eating but has recently started to slow down while not completely stopping. I am misting the cage once a day or so. She struggles to move so I am making the assumption she has MBD. I feel absolutely horrible for her and I really don't know what to do. Reading more about MBD I have learned that broken bones are common but I do not believe this to be the case as of yet, however she does not move frequently that I observe, I will leave and come back to find that she has moved by her cage position though. I have had her less than a week. I cannot afford a vet bill. But I am willing to take any other measures I can to get her back on track. She absolutely refuses to eat worms and she will not eat crickets when I offer them to her unless it is on her own time. I usually feed her about 4 per day because that is what my friend instructed but I dont even know if that is the right amount. I usually put the four in and the first few days she would eat them quickly but recently she eats them much slower, I don't usually see her eat them any more, but notice they are gone later in the day. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I feel like such a tyrant.