Injured Veiled Chameleon's Tongue Hand Feeding, Please Help!

100% should be in a hospital bin. Direct fine mist every half hour. Keep in dark. Having a moist paper towel in the bottom of the bin would help some.

Typically what happens in these types of injuries when the tongue is hyper extended, it tears itself away close to the base around the hyoid. The blood you saw indicates this. If you've ever put on a sock with a hole in it and one of your toes gets hung up in the hole, same thing is happening here. His tongue is now unretractable unless you guide the tongue onto the hyoid manually to get it beyond the tear and even if you do manage this there is no guarantee the tongue is still salvageable. Also totally possible the tear caused nerve damage preventing him from even controlling his tongue past the tear.

I do not recommend trying any of that on your own. As mentioned above, your only path forward is a vet ASAP.
This is awful, Sorry for all the bad stuff that has been happening to you lately. I hope the cham gets some help before its too late.
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