

Chameleon Queen
"This study shows that the chemical composition of migratory locusts can be manipulated through the diet. As such, it enables nutritionists to adapt the chemical composition of live feeder insects to better meet the nutritional demands of predators"...

Cockroaches synthesize beta carotene...

Cockroaches and vitamin A..
"the cockroach (blattella germanica) needs neither vitamin A nor carotene in the diet, and is able to function normally throughout life without this vitamin."

Chitin in insects...

And for those of you with strong stomachs...,1,2528717.story
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I remember posting that chitin article a while back. I think it might be in the FAQ. great read
"This study shows that the chemical composition of migratory locusts can be manipulated through the diet. As such, it enables nutritionists to adapt the chemical composition of live feeder insects to better meet the nutritional demands of predators"...

Cockroaches synthesize beta carotene...

Chitin in insects...

And for those of you with strong stomachs...,1,2528717.story

Very interesting articles ! ( For all newbies: posts like this from Kinyongia should get reputation points, not the "whhooo what a cute baby" ones...:rolleyes:)
Interesting! So, about the cockroaches and vitamin A
Does this mean that if I am using roaches as an occassional feeder I need not be concerned about providing any other source of vitamin A for my chameleon? I've been feeding my roaches dog food twice a year to ensure real vitamin A gets into my chameleon (my supplement has beta carotene) - maybe this is actually unnecessary?
"Cockroaches synthesize beta carotene...

Interesting! So, about the cockroaches and vitamin A Does this mean that if I am using roaches as an occassional feeder I need not be concerned about providing any other source of vitamin A for my chameleon? I've been feeding my roaches dog food twice a year to ensure real vitamin A gets into my chameleon (my supplement has beta carotene) - maybe this is actually unnecessary?

Whoa! I have the same thought. Maybe this is why my animals do well without preformed A - perhaps the roaches are providing what little they need? Although I've not always used roaches.... still very interesting.

Bugs are so kewl.
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