Chameleon Enthusiast
So you have been gestating secretly with your new son! What a nice surprise and many congrats to a very worthy mom!I’m massively excited to introduce to the forum to a baby that comes from such a place of sweetness that I probably have a mouth full of cavities right now...sweet baby boy Bart! View attachment 343114View attachment 343115View attachment 343116
He is one of @Camiezone babies and made the big trip across the country last night. The stars aligned perfectly and this adorable little boy was gifted to me by @Beman - my sister in chameleons.There are not words to express my gratitude!
I’d like to also thank @Camiezone for all of the TLC she’s raised her babies with and sends them off to their new homes with.
Bart was comfortable enough to eat a little and spent most of the day exploring the top branches and basking. As hard as it was, I tried not to bother him and let him settle in. Once he is comfortable, of course I’ll be posting lots more pics of the cutie.
Btw, the pink on his foot is not an injury - just an identifier that he’ll lose when he sheds.