Introducing Aloe


New Member
So I've been a chameleon owner for just over a month now. I've set up and taken apart the enclosure multiple times trying to get it just the way I want it and the way she seems to enjoy it the most. Her name is Aloe and she's about 7 months old now. Here are just a few pics to introduce myself and Aloe to the forum. I set up my terrarium on top of a drainage container I made from an ikea bin and an ikea shelf rack I purchased for about 25 dollars. The water collects in the bin and is then drained into a bucket for long mistings with the mistking system. So far so good... I've been spending lots of time reading on the forums since I got her (I realized very quickly I hadn't done enough research on them so have been playing catch up). Let me know what you all think/any changes you might make!

Aloe is very pretty! :)
The only thing that needs to be addressed, is if you have a laying bin for her. This is a very good video to learn about how to set one up. Other than that great job! :)

This is something I've read about in regards to the laying bin and just watched the video! I have purchased a bin and reptile safe soil that was recommended to me for the laying bin. From what I gather as long as I observe her behaviour and note whether or not she is searching at the bottom, turned darker than normal for a longer duration of time, etc then I can place the laying bin in her enclosure at that time. Would you recommended just having a bin in at all times rather than the observation? I have a a second slightly smaller enclosure that I had planned to use to transfer her to when the time comes for her to lay any eggs. So far she seems pretty content at the top of the enclosure... i swear I could have a small box with a light and she would be the happiest girl around. :p
Aloe looks very pretty and your cage looks nicely set up. If there is one observation and criticism I will make is that her back and casque are almost touching the screen under the light. I cannot tell for sure but is that the basking light? I would hate to see her get burned.
What is the size of the enclosure?
By the way, very pretty chameleon and cage

Thanks everybody! I picked her up at the reptile expo in Toronto the end of May.

The enclosure is 18 x 18 x 36 for now. I may upgrade to the 24 x 24 x 48 in the future and eventually plan to purchase a panther as well (obviously in separate enclosures) :)
Aloe looks very pretty and your cage looks nicely set up. If there is one observation and criticism I will make is that her back and casque are almost touching the screen under the light. I cannot tell for sure but is that the basking light? I would hate to see her get burned.

Hi Carol!

I just recently set her up that way. What your seeing is her back up against the uvb light that is lying on top of the cage with her basking light close beside but elevated about a foot from the nearest branch! I rigged it up with metal coat hangers hanging from the ceiling :)
Hi Carol!

I just recently set her up that way. What your seeing is her back up against the uvb light that is lying on top of the cage with her basking light close beside but elevated about a foot from the nearest branch! I rigged it up with metal coat hangers hanging from the ceiling :)

oh ok. I know the uvb is cool as far as temp but I am not 100% sure she cannot get uv burn from being too close for a long period of time underneath it.. Maybe someone else can answer that question.
Well we can get burnt from being outside so I'm assuming if she was under there for hours....maybe.....just my guess tho :confused:
Why thank you! :)

I've always wanted a chameleon, I started out with geckos years ago and finally decided I'd get a chameleon. Now I can see myself having 2-3 of the lil guys! There's just something about them!
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