Introducing Kismet! (FEmale Translucent Veiled)

Her colors and splotches and all are so interesting! Is she showing her big girl colors a bit already?.

Thanks Lynda! I love watching her colors and patches develop - they're just a little different every shed! In the right lighting and when she's calm, I can occasionally see the shadow of her big girl colors coming in. 4 months old, and growing fast! She's having a big growth spurt right now. This is the second shed in less than 2 weeks! I'm starting to curb her back a little bit... don't want to encourage her to go into any early cycles!

I love her! So sweet!
She’s super adorable!

Thank you! She really is a darling little lady, and I'm so glad to have her! :love:
@GoodKarma19 said..."I'm starting to curb her back a little bit... don't want to encourage her to go into any early cycles!"...exactly what I was thinking. Are you going to breed her at least once at some point though?
@GoodKarma19 said..."I'm starting to curb her back a little bit... don't want to encourage her to go into any early cycles!"...exactly what I was thinking. Are you going to breed her at least once at some point though?

I'd like to breed her at least the once, hold back a couple promising younguns. It'll be at least a year before I can do anything with her, realistically. I just don't have the room right now! Or a male, for that matter. But sometime in the next 2 years... :)
Wow! She’s growing so fast! ~sniffle sniffle~ your little girl is growing up :eek:

I know, right?! The growth rate is really impressive. She "stalled" for a couple weeks, and now she's growing like a weed again!

Poor lady still has her "mummy" outfit going on this morning - she ought to have it off by the afternoon. She looks so dishevelled, haha! :p

She looks amazing!!
So pretty your both lucky!

Thank you!! I'm absolutely obsessed with this little girl, and she's very tolerant of my fussing. Barely bats an eye at me at this point, haha! She gets very curious when I'm fiddling with her plants, and she'll swing by to observe. It's very charming!

Kiz is in the straight up exploding phase of her shed, now. I haven't actually been home to observe the full process before, and am greatly entertained! Kiz, not so much. She keeps stretching her jaws and gular to loosen it, and has started rubbing on things (including my finger!). Won't be long!

Her black looks especially crisp this shed!


Thank you!! I'm absolutely obsessed with this little girl, and she's very tolerant of my fussing. Barely bats an eye at me at this point, haha! She gets very curious when I'm fiddling with her plants, and she'll swing by to observe. It's very charming!

Kiz is in the straight up exploding phase of her shed, now. I haven't actually been home to observe the full process before, and am greatly entertained! Kiz, not so much. She keeps stretching her jaws and gular to loosen it, and has started rubbing on things (including my finger!). Won't be long!

Her black looks especially crisp this shed!

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I love her yellow eye liner!
These are the funniest cutest shed pics!!!! The girl can rock any outfit! :LOL:
I love her yellow eye liner!

Girl's got style, what can I say?! :p

She looks like she's so miserable and uncomfortable with that shed. Poor girl.

Shedding must be a horribly uncomfortable experience, I agree! Best I can do is offer a finger for her to scratch against. She allowed it for a quick chin rub haha!

Kiz finished up her shed (except for some toilet paper feetsies), and is looking pretty snazzy! I love the "bullseye" on her left hind, and she appears to be developing some more white around her groin! The white speckle in her left front is slowly getting bigger - I'm pretty sure it'll become another blotch in time!



Tried to get her tail in focus, but didn't quite manage it. The black is coming in really nicely!


She also sampled her first plant, haha! Two perfect little overlapping bites on a Brazil philodendron leaf.

Ohhhhhhh these are my favorite... I love her PJ's! Beman was never that bright of a green as a baby. Sooooo pretty!

Isn't it unreal?! Completely unedited - Kismet is practically glow in the dark! A lot of the brighter yellow green can be attributed to her translucent genetics, I think - a couple of her male siblings were almost yellow!

Eeekkk!! So darn cute!! I’m telling you she’s going to be the star of a children’s book one day...:unsure: :LOL:

She'd make a great cartoon character, Haha! :D I'll have to make a little face sculpt of her for a personal keychain or something. Lots of fun colors to play with!!

Oh my gosh I can’t get enough of her!

I'm obsessed, haha - you're not alone! :LOL:
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