Is a Green Island Ficus ok for a Veiled Chameleon?


Established Member
Hi everyone,

I'm new around here and I'm trying to get everything right for my Chloë. :D I got her as a gift from my Sister and Brother in law and they definitely didn't know what they're where getting into or what they got me into, but I'm already in love with her so I'm trying to make the best of it and make her as comfy as I can. I think I got all basics down but It was hard for them to find a plant for some reason, in Florida of all places. They ended up getting me a Green Island Ficus, in case it was ok, if not, just to keep. That's all they had at the moment, where ever they went.

What do you all think?

I imagine I'll need to wash it, perhaps change the soil? They where told that it shouldn't have pesticides but the little sign that tells you if they do or don't was missing, or so I'm told.

Thanks everyone,

Hi, thanks for the the reply and the links. I checked out that list looking for this particular Ficus earlier. I'm hoping someone here knows about these Ficus because as I read from post to post it seems a variety of Ficus not on that list are used safely.

Wouldn't the dirt in the pot of the plant work as a Egg laying bin? Thanks for that link too.
Part's of the green island ficus are poisonous if ingested but so are the weeping fig variety. I don't tend to use ficus' with veiled just because they are more toxic than the umbrella trees, pothos, and other plants we use with our chams. Since veileds are known to eat their plants, and ficus' have an irritating sap they secrete that is known to cause vomiting and diarrhea in dogs and cats, just imagine what it could do to a reptile with such a smaller body mass. Hope this helped >.<
Ouch, I guess I better stay away from Ficus altogether then?

Thank you Andee. I've read about the sap issues. There so much conflicting stories my head is up in the air. Some say they have no problems, some say the Ficus have been a nightmare, in particular with the eyes.

I really want to figure this plant issue already. Back to research I suppose.

Edit: It seems the Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis is a good choice for my Cham. I also read they can eat on it a little and it actually provides a some Vitamin C as well. Trade off, have to get a couple and rotate them inside/outside. They grow everywhere here in FL. Should be pretty cheap to buy.
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