Is bubba pregnant this time?


New Member
Shes had a different pattern this time and shes been really active i open the cage and shes quickly trying to get out.. My gf told me today she was in a digging mood so im pretty sure its her time shes about 7 months any tips, comments, suggestions will be greatly appreciated thanks
Shes had a different pattern this time and shes been really active i open the cage and shes quickly trying to get out.. My gf told me today she was in a digging mood so im pretty sure its her time shes about 7 months any tips, comments, suggestions will be greatly appreciated thanks
Have u set up her laying bin in the cage?
Definitely looks gravid, she looks a bit wide. What are your Temps? And how much are you feeding her?
During the day shes on the high 80's during the night shes in the low 60's maybe high 50's she gets about 7-10 crickets twice a day powdered in calcium
I can get any detailed pics you guys need once i get home from work.. Again thank you all im just really trying to get this right its my first time
After she has laid I would cut back her food intake to 6 prey items every other day
I think she is gravid do to her size, and here receptive coloration, but if she is eating almost a dozen crickets a day she may just be fat. If it were me I would definitely slow down on the feeding at that rate she will have huge clutches of eggs, and that can be detrimental to her health.
Shes had a different pattern this time and shes been really active i open the cage and shes quickly trying to get out.. My gf told me today she was in a digging mood so im pretty sure its her time shes about 7 months any tips, comments, suggestions will be greatly appreciated thanks

She is only 7 months old? Is the clutch infertile or did you breed her? If you bred her how long ago? That will give you a very good idea on when she will lay. If you think she is gravid get a laying box in for here right away!
She is only 7 months old? Is the clutch infertile or did you breed her? If you bred her how long ago? That will give you a very good idea on when she will lay. If you think she is gravid get a laying box in for here right away!
No i have not breed her and i will i get something for her i saw her again yesturday digging so im pretty sure its time thanks guys
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