Is Distilled water ok to give my jackson??


Is Distilled water ok to give my jackson??
i have a dripper that she loves to drink from just havent gave it to her because i dont have any reptisafe so i wasnt sure if i should give her distilled that i bought from my monsoon mister
ive had my chameleon for about a month now & i go back and forth from distilled and bottled spring water. i think as long as its not sink water it's okay.
Yes indeed, it's often what's recommended since it's very pure. It doesn't have the normal (positive) minerals found in tap or spring water (which varies anyway) but my thought is chameleons get this from their feeders/gutloads/scheduled multi-vitamin powder.
ive had my chameleon for about a month now & i go back and forth from distilled and bottled spring water. i think as long as its not sink water it's okay.

This kinda depends on where you live. You can't make the assumption you can't use tap water. I know this is still heavily discussed what is "ok" to use and not, but since none seems to come up with any clear proof I would say take a look into your local tap water and then decide if it's to hard for your chams or not :)
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