Is he drinking?


This is his current enclosure. When I mist him it is always inside the enclosure. I do not have any plants outside of the enclosure, just vines/limbs for him to climb on.

Should I set up a another plant with a drip system outside of the enclosure? He doesn't seem to have an issue finding the drip as he always goes under it and sometimes just stares at it. Yet, never have I seen him drink...
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Is it still warm up there in Indiana? I have the luxury of living in Florida so it is like cham heaven down here. My mom and sister live in Hobart whichis just outside of Gary if you know here that is. I would try getting a large plant for him to sit in and try misting him in that. I use a small hibiscus tree that he loves to climb around ion and I keep that on my screened in patio. If your doing it in your house you just have to keep your eye on him cause they love to explore! I mean anything is worth a try. Did you try putting him in the shower to drink? You have to get a plant and put him on it and then bounce the water off the wall onto the plant. I have never done that but I have read plenty of people on the forum who do this. I don't think i would go the route of a drip system on an outside plant. You have to get him stimulated to drink somehow. I just dont honestly think he is drinking because if he was, his urate would not be that orange. I dont see mine drink all the time but I always check his poop and it is always white so I know that he is drinking.
oops, I read too fast and saw Lafayette and there one in Indiana also!!! dah! Wow, you tried the shower technique too huh? Man, he is stubborn I guess! You said he wasnt eating much either, so maybe it is just an adjustment thing for him. i know they can go a LONG time without eating like weeks so don't fret too much about that, the water thing, yeah, you gotta get some hydration in him. Oh, one other thing, when my cham was not really drinking(or so I thought) I was taking my feeder cup and putting the food in the bottom with some water and when he shot at the food he got water with it. Sometimes we gotta outsmart these guys. Also, I took the feeder worms and rolled them around in the water and fed them that way so he got some liquid. Just trying to pull out all the stops here for ya!
I appreciate your and everyone's help. I am thinking tomorrow I will remove the hibiscus from his cage and replace it with artificial leaves for the water to drip down. He doesn't seem to enjoy the density of the hibiscus so I will try that first. I will start offering silk worms strictly for the time being until his urates return to normal.
Here is a pic of his dripper with leaves. For some reason the picture gets fliped sideways when I upload it...

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I just accepted your friend reqeust by the way! Yeah, just try everything I said. Not really sure what else to tell ya. Good luck and keep me posted! I gotta get to bed here! It is 2 am here and I guess probably by you too! So good night and I hope to hear good news soon!!!
Do you spray him directly? Mine actually doesnt seem to drink from leaves much, but if i spray her mouth she eventually starts to drink. She doesnt particularly enjoy it though.
I have hade mine for just over a month and have seen him drink twice. The other day after his morning mist there was a drop of water on both mist nozzles and I saw him looking at them and looking at me. I turned to talk to my wife and when I looked back at him one drop was gone and he was licking his lips.
I administered some REPTAID to him today and this seemed to perk him up some. Now it is bedtime, I will keep giving him REPTAID for the next few days until his body functions start returning to normal.
Over all I think Rocko is doing fine. He has always had his own way of being. Just stay with what you are doing and it will be fine.
He drinks! He drinks! What a relief! I replenished his drip this morning and when I came back from the kitchen he was really looking at the drip hard. With authority he grabbed the leaf up to his mouth and drank for 30 continues drips. I cannot tell you what a relief this is for me after now seven days of not seeing him drink. I can't believe the REPTAID worked on him so quickly. He is much more lively today and I will continue reptaid dosages for the next four consecutive days. Also, he pooped today, all white, again another big sigh of relief!
He drinks! He drinks! What a relief! I replenished his drip this morning and when I came back from the kitchen he was really looking at the drip hard. With authority he grabbed the leaf up to his mouth and drank for 30 continues drips. I cannot tell you what a relief this is for me after now seven days of not seeing him drink. I can't believe the REPTAID worked on him so quickly. He is much more lively today and I will continue reptaid dosages for the next four consecutive days. Also, he pooped today, all white, again another big sigh of relief!

Hooray for you Jon, good job. Rocko will be just fine!
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