Is it Art? "toast"

Chameleon on my breakfast

Went to butter my breaky this morning and discovered a veiled staring back at me! do you see it?


see it?



Dan? Honey? You need to step away from your toast for a little while okay? Go outside and get some fresh air and walk around a little bit and just stay away from your toaster for now,,,,you are starting to scare me! :eek:
Dan? Honey? You need to step away from your toast for a little while okay? Go outside and get some fresh air and walk around a little bit and just stay away from your toaster for now,,,,you are starting to scare me! :eek:

Dont wrorry Anna, Ive taken precautions, "They" tried to brainwash me with subliminal messages on my weeties this morning, but fortunately I was wearing my foil hat so the signals couldnt get into my brain!!
P.S. Ive buried some weapons, just in case. :eek:

Dan IME the foil works better if you wallpaper the room's walls and ceiling with it.
Dont wrorry Anna, Ive taken precautions, "They" tried to brainwash me with subliminal messages on my weeties this morning, but fortunately I was wearing my foil hat so the signals couldnt get into my brain!!
P.S. Ive buried some weapons, just in case. :eek:


Oh man, now I have to step away from the terminal for awhile..I read this as " sublimal messages on my weenies" :eek:

I hate it when that happens...:p
I'm sure he gets those, too! :eek:

I had a gecko on my toast once...

She jumped from my shoulder.
Ok this little experiment went awry, fortunately nobody will be horribly devoured by a secret government/military 'weapon' that escaped from a lab. :D

The first post 'Is it art', was deliberately titled to evoke responses about the artistic merits, or lack of the toast photo (anything rather than suggestive).

The second today 'Cham on my breakfast' was titled and intended to suggest seeing imagery on the toast.

Both images are the exact same peice of toast, same side, just plain old toast, albeit presented differently. The idea was to determin the influence of suggestibilty and natural pattern recognition on the phenomenon of people seeing things like the virgin mary in coffee stains. Unfortunately the two have now been spliced together, but no matter.

The idea arose after a discussion with a freind about the crazy stuff folk put on ebay.
My thoughts were that most such 'sightings' are simply a combination of our natural ability to recognise patterns (facial recognition for example), a desire to see what is seen in the first place, and subconcious suggestibility after the fact for others.

Faces in things/stains ~ see above
ghost/orbs etc ~ light refraction/anomalies (photographic)
Mystery beast ~ See above
Ufos ~ see above

You get the idea.
The control thread 'Is it art' was going pear shaped anyway after a comment mentioned ebay, evoking the thought (suggestion) of virgin mary toast etc, but one or two folk 'saw' things.

The test thread 'cham on breaky' was deliberately intended to suggest imagery. It didnt matter if it was a chameleon or anything else, the idea was that having suggested imagery, folk would subconciously begin to look for patterns/imagery on an otherwise unremarkable peice of toast. Would have worked better had I waited a week or so between the two. LOL

I think folk see what they want to see, expect to see, or are told is there. Most responders on the control thread 'is it art' made no mention of imagery on the test, since none was suggested, just expected amusing comments. Had I done this thing right, Im sure that having suggested imagery, most responders would look for and find images.

Consider threads like these titles...

"Bent casque, is it mbd"
"Is my cham skinny/fat?"
"are his eyes sunken?
"leg broken or not?"

and so on. All are suggestive. If I post a pic of an average lizard (nothing obvious) and simply call it 'my lizard', without any suggestive commentry, how many will see/notice
eyes, weight, limb shape etc?

Might be worth keeping in mind when such threads arise. All is in the eye (OR Mind) of the beholder! :)

So the experiment didnt work due my poor planning, but it was fun anyway.
Thanks for all the funny comments folks! :)

Lol ANNA, I had to bite my tongue there! LMAO :D :D :D
If I were you I would be annoyed!

Hey Dan I would totally be annoyed right now, that toast got more people commenting and viewing than your normal very informative threads about chams. But i do get all the imagery and stuff :D
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