Is it bad if my veiled chameleon hisses when I pick it up

My veiled chameleon will hiss and it looks like it will bite sometimes when I get it out of the cage when I get it out it’s fine. How can I prevent this I handle it almost every day.
You should let your chameleon acclimate a little bit before doing handling all of the time.
I agree. I only handle my chameleon when it is entirely necessary. I open her cage to let her know that the outside is safe; this way she gets a bit of contact without stress. She can go into her plant and hide whenever she wants. You could think about trying this once your chameleon has gotten a bit more used to its new surroundings.
When you put your hand in his cage you're entering his territory...he's wanting to protect he hisses and will lunge at you and could bite. Once he's outside he's no longer in his territory and his demeanor changes. How are you picking him up...putting your hand around him or letting him walk into your hand??
When you put your hand in his cage you're entering his territory...he's wanting to protect he hisses and will lunge at you and could bite. Once he's outside he's no longer in his territory and his demeanor changes. How are you picking him up...putting your hand around him or letting him walk into your hand??
If I let her walk on me she dosent move sometimes she goes away from my hand I put my hand around her and pick her up
When you put your hand in his cage you're entering his territory...he's wanting to protect he hisses and will lunge at you and could bite. Once he's outside he's no longer in his territory and his demeanor changes. How are you picking him up...putting your hand around him or letting him walk into your hand??
I pick her up with my hands because she won’t climb on my hand
When you put your hand around them that makes them upset and they hiss and bite. That's not to say that they won't hiss or bite if you try to let them climb on your hand...but it's less likely.
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