Is it better in the sun

I was wondering if it's better to keep my chameleon outside these days, it still gets very sunny , but temps are from 80-55 at nite. There eating , drinking and shedding fine, just wanted to know it it's better back inside with heat lamps at 85 and uv bulbs ? There juvi panthers .
If those are night temps, what are your daytime temps? Your night temps would make good day temps and either way they need water and shade available all time.
I might not have been clear, it's 55 at night and around 80 during the day outside. They have partial shade if they want to add a big drip obviously.
I brought them back inside I want them to get warmer with the basking lights. Inside it's 65 at night 85 in the basking light
I would say 55 is a tad cold. But it has been years since I have had panthers. Let's wait and see what they say.
55 at night is ok i think thats the lowest i would let it long as it gets warm enough during the day, i would 80 to 92 would be ideal for day temps
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