Is it irony?

...and of course, congratulations on make it to the team. Remember fake left, then go right. It works for goalies too... ;)
Three hours of "Oh crap, did I do that right? Who is looking at me?"...

They wouldn't see you in a lizard suit, less anxiety. Apply for mascot? :)
Mascot isn't my thing, I prefer to be on the field. :)
Sorry Sabrina! I thought you they made you mascot.....I know how much you like that banana costume :rolleyes:

Congratulations on making goalie :)
LOL. Yeah, the banana costume....

Thank you. :)
I coached Girls' soccer for many years, so Congrats!!
Thank you! Was it fun?
What did you do your research paper on?...
Jules Verne. :)
...and of course, congratulations on make it to the team. Remember fake left, then go right. It works for goalies too... ;)
LOL I hate it when they use that on me, especially when it's muddy...
Jules Vernes's, "The Mysterious Island" was one of my favorites book I have read growing up. Capitan Nemo's end was really sad...I have to get that book now for my son to read...
Esta bien, I like the paper feeling, too, but it looks like e-books are the new big thing, figured you might have one (or a kindle app or something).
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