Is it just me...?

Here are a few more that really grind my gears.

-People who leave 1/16" worth of milk in the container, in the fridge.

-People who crack their knuckles, in front of me.

-People who don't practice good hygiene.

-Door dings, and the valueless creatures that cause them.

-Drunk obnoxious teenagers.

-People who do not clear the cooking timer on the microwave! I cant read the clock!! Rawrrrr!

-People who play extremely loud music while driving

-Rap music, it's not even music for crying out loud!

-The empty roll of toilet paper left on the roller.

-Reality TV shows... None of it is REAL!!!

-This giant wheel thing! If I wanted 24" wheels on my vehicle I would just travel in a covered wagon

-when people let their pets defecate on walks and don’t pick it up.

I wanted to share a few of my pet peeves with you guys, and see what some of yours are as well. It can be related to anything in our daily lives.

Here are a few of mine:

-Kids that wear baggy pants hanging off their @&%es.... :rolleyes:

-When people use the terms "lol" "lmao" and "rofl" :rolleyes:

-And last but not least, fast food employees that can't speak proper English!
What the heck is a Cheddy coke and a yumbo yack any way? :confused:


A Yumbo Yack. LMAO! (do’h), that really grinds my gears too actually. Coming back from OR this weekend it was very nice to hear crisp clean English, even at taco bell!

I will also add...

Crickets in general. Love to feed them, hate to buy them and take care of the little bastards. Oh well...

Lack of respect to one another, like holding the door, not saying yes please or no thank you; and overall just a lack of being nice to our fellow humans.

Teachers that don’t get paid enough.

Illegal aliens... Don’t get me wrong... I understand you want to come here for a better life, but you have to go through the processes like my and most others past family members done. Jumping over the border and being a drain on the economy just makes it worse for everybody else. I would pay the $1 more for my salad.

CEO’s that make millions while the company lays people off, cuts pay, and takes things away from the little guy.

The sprinkler in my yard that will never stay the way I want it to be pointed.

Lots more but I got stuff to do. Oh... And people that are on the computer 24/7. Im on alot, but damn some people live on the darn net box.
I'm with you on that one, but what is even WORSE, is that lately I've seen alot of teenage/college boys wearing those "skinny jeans"...but they're still sagging off their @&%es!?! how does that even work?? I don't understand...

I just want to know how they fit thier privites into such tight pants...
I'm old enough to remember Jordash jeans and other tight jeans from back in the early 80's or late 70s, but the jeans you are talking about are skin tight and don't streatch.
I see some damage in the future for them boys.

also... after going into the reptile room... Bearded dragon poo's that are the size of small chameleons! Damn, im glad thats darci's yob. Pweeeeeeeeeeeew
People who take anything & everything too seriously. You have to have a sense of humor or life will just eat you alive.

That'd be my no1

The "lost shopper". These are the people who walk down every aisle stopping in everyone's way, and then they realize they're in the wrong aisle.

Definately, along with the 'social shoppers" who just stop with full carts blacking the aisle while they discuss life for half an hour and get aggrevated if you ask them to make way. Dozen in every store!

And folk who are so anal they have huge 'pet peeves' lists!

Jay - all of my geckos poop on me either when I get them out, or when they crawl on my warm arm. I think it's a reflex.
I just want to know how they fit thier privites into such tight pants...
I'm old enough to remember Jordash jeans and other tight jeans from back in the early 80's or late 70s, but the jeans you are talking about are skin tight and don't streatch.
I see some damage in the future for them boys.


Scary isn't it? Maybe its like the "overweight kids" trend, maybe they're just all very small?:eek: For their sakes I hope not... but you reminded me of another :D
- The HORRIBLE, HIDEOUS things we wore in the 80's making their way back into my teenagers' closets...I'm afraid...;)
Liquidsweetness, so long as my teens dont start wearing 70's gear I can live with it!
The 70's was really a 'WTF were we thinking era!

Currently my younger teen daughter is playing with the 'Goth' look, first time I saw it, I aged ten years instantly (think Grandpa simpson) :)
Most of mine were covered but I have one.

What happened to just the facts.

I hate that the news is not the news anymore. Why can't anyone just tell me what is going on. A reporter is there to report not give me their opinion.

We all know opinions are like @$$ h0l3s ... everyone has one and they all stink. :D

Great thread BTY

Oh and BTY, I hate people who use BTY
Liquidsweetness, so long as my teens dont start wearing 70's gear I can live with it!
The 70's was really a 'WTF were we thinking era!

Currently my younger teen daughter is playing with the 'Goth' look, first time I saw it, I aged ten years instantly (think Grandpa simpson) :)

I think they're beyond the 70's stage...they picked out a few things like flared pants and are heading straight through into the 80's...:eek:
My daughter's doing the Goth/Emo thing, doesn't scare me as much as the neon horridness I remember wearing in the 80's least its a bit more original :)
Ha ha, being a teenager I can safely add these to the list-or rather, my list of pet peeves.

Teenage Peevs:

-The teen pants down to the knees or hanging off the butt (The only satasfaction I get from this at all is they look funny while running. I still can't beleive my generation thinks its "cool")

-Girls who wear slutty clothing (which usually depends on the person. There's sexy, there's hot, and there's slutty) Especially little girls.

-Jeering teens and their stupid laughter-it sounds really fake

Children Peevs:

-little kids without supervision

-The parents who let these kids do whatever they want without supervision, or regard to the message they are sending out.

-Little kids themselves, can't stand them-and yet they like me for some reason. Ick.

Assorted Peeves:

-Finding out that someone ate the last cookie

-Trying to find something you know you put down there a second ago.

-People making out in stores (oh man, there was a couple at work the entire time they were there. UGG).

-If selling something important (like, water conditioner) and people take it then leave it at the counter because it isn't on sale.

-People buying things on sale only because they're on sale (a lot of good fish get killed this way)

-People who mistake beauty for a "model, or movie star"

Bus Peeves:

-baby strollers on a bus (especially if packed)

-babies on busses

-People who push you out of the way cause you are smaller then them

I could go on a while...i'll stop now.
Wow, this thread took off like wild fire....guess we all need to get it out! LOL

I have a few but some are mentioned so I won't double up:

* Fast food drive throughs - The food is to be fast, but the driving through can take 30 mins!!!

* Waking up to a dirty kitchen - Just ruins my day

* Waking up in the middle of the night, not turning any lights on....and finding the toilet seat up, THE HARD WAY!!!

And it's been said but it's a big one CUSTOMER SERVICE THESE DAYS!!!
I'm with you on that one, but what is even WORSE, is that lately I've seen alot of teenage/college boys wearing those "skinny jeans"...but they're still sagging off their @&%es!?! how does that even work?? I don't understand...

I work at a high school so I can let you know. How are those jeans so tight and still below their butt... They are girls jeans! No kidding, I asked.:eek: Oh, the joy of 800 teenagers... enough said.
People who don't educate themselves,
religion in all its forms,
the American government and the banking system,
people's ignorance/selective blindness towards issues that affect every facet of their lives,
bad movies,
David Suzuki and Al Gore who tell the people to reduce weight in their cars and use less light bulbs, as if that actually makes a difference...
chemical fertilizers and herbicides,
chlorine and aluminum in tap water,
some types of plastics,
women who don't do natural child births,
and how there isn't a test you have to pass before you can reproduce.

But, my biggest pet peeve is people who don't travel.
bus babies

-babies on busses
That bugs me too, probably not for the same reason, though...
When you have a baby (or child up to a certain age/weight) in the car, they have to be in a safety seat, properly strapped in or you'll be given a ticket and a fine... but you can take a 3 day old baby on the city bus and just hold him/her in your arms?? How does that make sense?
"women who don't do natural child births,
and how there isn't a test you have to pass before you can reproduce."

"But, my biggest pet peeve is people who don't travel.[/QUOTE]"

I agree with you on the last 2 points....I have travelled the world over the last 10 years and would NOT swap it for a million dollars and I think that everyone should have to pass some sort of test to raise and have children.

On having natural child birth....I have done that...and I NEVER want to go through that experience again :rolleyes:
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