Is it just me...?

David Suzuki and Al Gore who tell the people to reduce weight in their cars and use less light bulbs, as if that actually makes a difference...

Dosen't it? As opposed to making no concious effort whatsoever? The whole is equal to the sum of its parts. If everyone beleives they cannot make a difference, no difference will ever be made. This defeatist 'cop-out' attitude is why we live in a world in its current condition.
Why do you provide the best possible care for your captive reptile and encourage others likewise? its just one, if it dies just buy another, what difference does it make? :)

women who don't do natural child births

LOl, how about folk expressing Arrogant opinions on subjects they dont, nor ever can, have any personal experience of?

I think that everyone should have to pass some sort of test to raise and have children.

Emotionally Im inclined to agree, But its rather pointless and unrealistic, sadly so many would fail we'd go extinct! LOL

P.S. for my list: Dr Phil ! wellmeaning but highly irritating man, hate his accent too! btw, does he polish his dome or what? never seen a head so shiny, I wonder if he uses some metrosexual skin cream or something? Nivea for men? :D
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On having natural child birth....I have done that...and I NEVER want to go through that experience again and I dont think any male should comment or judge a womens right to this :rolleyes:

I have to say, while I don't think men can really ever have any idea whether they would or wouldn't do natural childbirth... I'll allow them an opinion :rolleyes:
Personally though, I've had a C-section with my first because he was breech, and I NEVER EVER EVER want to feel pain like that EVER EVER again. The healing process was excrutiating. The second I had naturally (and with no epidural or any other drugs). While it wasn't a pleasant 14 hr journey, the pain was far more forgettable, and I was up walking around a few hours later without pain. If I had to do it again, I'd go the natural route in a heartbeat.
Smokers! I quit smoking 11 months ago, and now I cannot stand the smell! I am like a walking smoking nazi mofo haha.

I stutter really bad at times. Especially over the phone. I hate it when people wonder off or think I've given up. Sometimes people even mistake me as being a complete moron.

Drunk people suck. They're soooo annoying. I'm so damn happy that I don't party anymore!!!

People that put down table tennis, thinking it's just some recreational game, and not a sport. Only a few people in the states take the sport to an athletic level. I wish I could do that ha.

People that 'have' to say god bless you, after every F'ing sneeze. Once is enough damnit! ha

I could remember attending talent shows, and even being a part of one in the 3rd grade. Kids would be dancing, or singing to a song. The stupid parents would begin clapping to the background song, and the clapping is just so damn annoying. Normally off beat and just sounds so wrong.

People that talk in the movie theatre. You guys suck!

People that yell at their babies for crying. Babies cry because they can't do what we can do.

People that use the word(s) "nah meen"

People that like cats over dogs, I just hate those people ;] haha
People who bring their really young children to rated R movies. There was a 5 yr old in Friday the 13th. A 3 yr old in The Watchmen.

People who smoke on line at six flags.

People who smoke on the beach.

People that went and graduated high school, and still choose to talk like a "thug".

People that say "aww shit man, I was so F'd up last night!"

Everything about Chris Rock.

That song "I kissed a girl and I liked it"

People that sell verrrry sick chameleons because they're getting out of the chameleon business. And move on to selling other reptiles.

People that sell you a chameleon that has a really damaged tongue. Then tell you "chameleons that cannot shoot their, it's just a phase"


How the only two stations in Northern central Jersey that I listened to, K-rock and G-rock radio are now F'ing rap stations! wtf dude? They already have 10 other rap stations.


Girls that like Guidos.

Women that body build. Men that body build to the point they're nothing but 300 pounds of rock.
(simply disgusting)

Women with six packs, eeewwww yuuuck! lol.

Sick of hearing people telling me "you should of stuck with baseball".

Hating that I gained over 70 pounds from quiting smoking.

People that love watching girl fights. They're so stupid.

I hate how the UFC changed so many rules that it's just stupid now.
People that think pot is harmless.

Fact - people that smoke weed are more likely to develop a mental illness of some sort.

Especially with the buds that smell of skunk. -Sour Diesel, Ak-47 etc.

I burned from ages 13-20.

The buds that are out now a days are so potent that it's a "real drug". I mean you can get seriously twisted off the trees that are now available in most states.

Weed has grown into a truely addicting drug. Not to all, but alot are addicted.

Just wanted to point that out. Don't ever listen to the bull shit that weed isn't a gate way drug, etc. Pot can cause damage, and it's friggin' expensive, especially if you don't sell it.

Listen up kids that are younger than me (I'm only 21). It's NOT worth it. It's fun for a while, but then becomes a lifestyle. An expensive, stupid, pointless way of dealing with problems or excusing urself from doing things.
Thanks for the info Doctor. Though I agree about the potency of todays marijuana. I beleive thats a natural evolution of the enforced use (due illegality) of hydroponic growing with chemicals. Nasty stuff today.
Hating that I gained over 70 pounds from quiting smoking...and other such agreements

I also recently quit smoking in October, there with ya, buddy. OK, so not quite 70lbs, but I feel your pain! :p
People that think pot is harmless.

Fact - people that smoke weed are more likely to develop a mental illness of some sort.

Especially with the buds that smell of skunk. -Sour Diesel, Ak-47 etc.

I burned from ages 13-20.

The buds that are out now a days are so potent that it's a "real drug". I mean you can get seriously twisted off the trees that are now available in most states.

Weed has grown into a truely addicting drug. Not to all, but alot are addicted.

Just wanted to point that out. Don't ever listen to the bull shit that weed isn't a gate way drug, etc. Pot can cause damage, and it's friggin' expensive, especially if you don't sell it.

Listen up kids that are younger than me (I'm only 21). It's NOT worth it. It's fun for a while, but then becomes a lifestyle. An expensive, stupid, pointless way of dealing with problems or excusing urself from doing things.

Laughed so hard at that. (2.5yrs clean.) Thanks for sharing, man, keep coming back ;) :D
People that think pot is harmless.

Fact - people that smoke weed are more likely to develop a mental illness of some sort.

Especially with the buds that smell of skunk. -Sour Diesel, Ak-47 etc.

I burned from ages 13-20.

The buds that are out now a days are so potent that it's a "real drug". I mean you can get seriously twisted off the trees that are now available in most states.

Weed has grown into a truely addicting drug. Not to all, but alot are addicted.

Just wanted to point that out. Don't ever listen to the bull shit that weed isn't a gate way drug, etc. Pot can cause damage, and it's friggin' expensive, especially if you don't sell it.

Listen up kids that are younger than me (I'm only 21). It's NOT worth it. It's fun for a while, but then becomes a lifestyle. An expensive, stupid, pointless way of dealing with problems or excusing urself from doing things.

Please come to Texas and say this to my High School..... You might die

But atleast you understand, Marajuna is so stupid
This thread got way out of hand. It was meant to list simple pet peeves, not become a discussion about drugs, politics, and women’s rights. Keep it simple, clean, or don't bother.

ColorCham427, Do me a favor and save your post for the "High Times" forum. I doubt anyone cares much about your usage and point of views on marijuana. I see no point in making a fool of yourself any longer.

- biting / stinging insects
- people that can't be bothered with being nice to waiters, check-out staff, flight attendants etc
- iguana snot
- ignorant people
- sensationalist media
- people that don't take good care of their pets, or sell them to buy other pets.
- socks all over the frikkin' house, leading to me having to do a scavenger hunt before I can do the laundry.
This thread got way out of hand. It was meant to list simple pet peeves, not become a discussion about drugs, politics, and women’s rights. Keep it simple, clean, or don't bother.

ColorCham427, Do me a favor and save your post for the "High Times" forum. I doubt anyone cares much about your usage and point of views on marijuana. I see no point in making a fool of yourself any longer.

-Jay I edited my post :)

Back on subject....
- Ordering a fantastic sounding meal from a restaurant, waiting in anticipation and its nothing like it was described in the menu
- A $120 bottle of wine that tastes like vinegar when the $10 bottle of wine from the supermarket is the best
- Pulling up to the stop lights and the doof doof music in the car ahead is so loud it makes your car vibrate
- When chams decide to go on a hunger strike after you have spent a good amount of time going to the supermarket, selecting the best fruit and veg for gutload (better than I would eat) cutting it up and gutloading insects just to decide they are not hungry
- Ironing
WOW this thread went the wrong direction quick.. :eek:

How the only two stations in Northern central Jersey that I listened to, K-rock and G-rock radio are now F'ing rap stations! wtf dude? They already have 10 other rap stations.

OMG, I totaly hear you. I'm so pissed off myself.
I was just speaking to my niephiew about K-rock last night, and how it hurts so bad. :mad:

I want to rant!

My biggest pet peeve is people that buy animals that cannot afford to provide them with proper medical care. :(:(:(

-And last but not least, fast food employees that can't speak proper English!
What the heck is a Cheddy coke and a yumbo yack any way? :confused:[/B]


Dude you will hate it here!
We have ministers that can hardly speak english!
Even teachers cant speak english let alone fast food employees.
-When people leave the milk out! Warm milk sucks! Any fridge food really, is it so hard to put your food back when you're finished??

-'Bus people'. The weird ones.

-Smokers. I also quit smoking about two years ago, and once you quit the smell is disgusting. A lot of my friends smoke and they always end up sitting right beside me when they light up.

-People who take time out of their day to explain to me why I shouldn't keep snakes because they are evil:p

-When it looks like it's a nice sunny day out but it's actually cold. Bummer.
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