Is it ok for the cham to sit within6 inches of the basking bulb ??

I would think that's a little close. You might want to either lower the perch the cham is sitting on or (the easier way) higher the light fixture.
i'd say it depends on the bulb wattage. people say to keep the bulbs a certain distance away but i believe the cham can decide itself when it's too hot. just make sure the bulb isn't resting on something that can absorb the heat and burn the cham's skin.
For a young chameleon the basking temperature should be in the low to mid 80'sF. For an adult male it can be in the mid 80'sF to low 90'sF.

If you can hold your hand where the chameleon is going to sit and it doesn't make you too hot, then it should be okay for the chameleon.

Jbot said..." i believe the cham can decide itself when it's too hot. just make sure the bulb isn't resting on something that can absorb the heat and burn the cham's skin"...I have to disagree with you. Why do you think so many chameleons end up with burns?? Its because they don't realize that they are getting burned...just like people don't always notice that they are getting a really bad sunburn.
I have several branches at different levels right under the basking light which rests on the screen top of the cage. My cham will pick the one she wants to be on and where she will chill on it depending on how much heat she wants. She can lay anywhere from maybe 2 or 3in from the screen to 10". Maybe just provide various basking spots and yours will pick the best one for the time too?
Jbot said..." i believe the cham can decide itself when it's too hot. just make sure the bulb isn't resting on something that can absorb the heat and burn the cham's skin"...I have to disagree with you. Why do you think so many chameleons end up with burns?? Its because they don't realize that they are getting burned...just like people don't always notice that they are getting a really bad sunburn.

eh, humans don't need heat to live the same way as a reptile. supposedly, a chameleon's heat receptors are on their backs, therefore it would seem (i'm not a herpetologist) that it can decide to back away when it's too hot.

just use a thermometer to test the temps in the basking spot to tell.
My chameleons have all had the sense to move out of the basking area when they got warm enough. However one male, who was otherwise intelligent, got a contact burn on his tail. This was because, im told, they do NOT have good receptors for contact heat? And because at the time the bulb was higher watt than I use now and his tail could easily reach it.
Jbot said..."eh, humans don't need heat to live the same way as a reptile. supposedly, a chameleon's heat receptors are on their backs, therefore it would seem (i'm not a herpetologist) that it can decide to back away when it's too hot."...I never said anything about humans needing heat. I was comparing the fact that humans can get sunburned without knowing that they are so they don't move out of the sun...just like the chameleons don't feel the burning and don't move.

As I said..."Why do you think so many chameleons end up with burns?? Its because they don't realize that they are getting burned...just like people don't always notice that they are getting a really bad sunburn."

There are hundreds of sites indicating that the chameleons do get burned on the back, the side, the tail, etc. It is something that happens extremely often because the chameleon does not realize its getting burned.

Here are some sites that talk about it. These burns not only occur in chameleons but many other basking lizards as well.
"It is unknown why reptiles will remain in contact with heating devices even though they are causing them some injuries."
"Lizards have a poor sense of conductive heat and do not necessarily avoid contact with hot surfaces. (Mader 2000b)"
"They do not know when they are burning, so it's up to you to make sure they can't. Thermal burns are the #1 injury to captive-bred chameleons"
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