Is it okay to light insence in the same room as my chameleon?


New Member
I wasn't planning on doing it anymore once I got him, but I just read somewhere that they have a really bad sense of smell. Would it bother him if I did?
Depends on how large and well ventilated the room is. In a smaller room, smoke will build up, and ofcourse, it cant be good. Possibilty of respitory issues if its a regular practice.
As far as its sense of smell is concerned, I havent got a clue, but that really isnt the issue. :)
I would tend to consider any air pollution bad, incense, cigarettes, airsprays.
There are many pollutants in our homes, many unseen/unconsidered, many unavoidable too, however what you can avoid, its probly best to, atleast in the same room as your pet :)
There was a post about cheap candles some time you may find it. But basically the chemicals released by said smelly things can't be good for your cham. I know for a fact, birds, more specifically parrots, that are exposed to cigarette smoke, candles, and incense, have more health problems and live shorter lives.
Oh... okay. I just didn't know that the smoke from incense was as bad as the smoke from cigarettes. I won't do it then. No biggie : ]
Birds can also die from certain kinds of potpourri.

Some of my crested geckos start sneezing when anything is being burned or melted. They don't even like perfume.
You can still enjoy incense though, I like to burn it outside on the verandah on occasion,
Aromatherapy has something going for it, very peaceful some certain scents.
Never liked sandlewood though, smells awful :)
Birds can also die from certain kinds of potpourri.

Some of my crested geckos start sneezing when anything is being burned or melted. They don't even like perfume.

My chams don't like perfume either. If I'm going to wear it I put it on last thing before I go out.
Trying to get as close to nature in a totally un-natural setting is the goal for most of us.

We have a non-smoking home because of the Chams and other herps in the here. Their native locale probably has fresh air and rain water. That's why so many herp lovers like air filters, water filters, etc.
today reptar was sitting on a tree in my backyard and had been calm for aout 10 minutes having fun takin in the sun and i light up my cig and looked back over and he was flared up and pissed lookind directly at me. today was a windy day and i was 4-6 ft away from him. as soon as i put it out he calmed back down. I didnt know he would be that sensative
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