Is it possible that i just have a mean chameleon?

He looks a lot bigger in the pic then what you are describing plus his colors look fully developed. Where did you get him from?
Well I did measure him tonight and he is really is 4 inches from nose to vent... I got him from a private breeder here in South Florida.. I think the pictures make him look big but if you saw him in real life you would see he is still a little guy..
EVER SINCE I GO MUSSOLINI (BLUE BAR PANTHER) HE has hissed at me and strikes at me when I go to pick him up for even when he is on my hand he will puff up and open his mouth .. do they get over that if you handle them more .. I don't understand because Buddha is the exact oppisite he will climb all over you and is extremely nice.. any help please...

My cham was the same, but when i started to hand feed him and mist him twice a day with boild water he just started to love me, now when Im opening his cage sometimes he climbs right on me :) try to mist him, that worked for me, but it wil take some time, but dont mist him if he dont like it, try to mist a little then wait and mist some more to get him use to it :)
No such thing as a "mean" animal. ;) I have seen all sorts of personalities in chameleons and a lot seems to depend on how much they are handled and how much of a threat you are to them.

Some chameleons are always threatened by the presence of another moving being. The more you are visible to them, the less threatened they may feel.

It helps to go in their cage and fuss with a few things without ever looking at them and without touching or reaching for them. Or just touch the chameleon lightly on the tail and then go.

I also notice that a normally tame chameleon that is put out in the sunshine on a regular basis tends to get a little more pissy. I like this. :) I prefer the feisty reactions in a chameleon as long as I don't get bitten.
when I brought home KnoKnut he had been housed for his 1 1/2 years in a cage with plexi glass wgere he constantly saw his reflection, and he wwould get horriably upset, to where I thought he had nuerological damage, but he soon got past it and now loves to be handeled and taken in the shower or outside, and he will lay on my chest and feel and listen to my heart beat, i get him on my hand and taking my other hand I pull his head into my heart area and once he hears and feela my heart beat he calms down and is a loving and very tame Cham, I am so proud of him, he has come an extreamly long way since 14 days ago when I wnet to rescue him.
The effort to body language with a cham is so worth the price of bomding for life, it's a beauity all it's own.


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