Is it possible to breed bsfl in a small area?


Established Member
Would it be possible to breed bsfl in small areas? They can clearly live as larvae in the small containers they come in, would it be possible to keep the flys in an old gallon distilled water jug? I’ve found these bottles very useful. I keep my superworms in them atm and they work good and only take up a small space.
The flys lay eggs and eat compost, right? Would it be possible to keep them in another substrate? I could make an easy drainage system by poking holes in the bottom jug and adding the bottom of another jug onto it and dumping as needed
The flys lay eggs and eat compost, right? Would it be possible to keep them in another substrate? I could make an easy drainage system by poking holes in the bottom jug and adding the bottom of another jug onto it and dumping as needed
The flies mate in flight so they would need the room to fly around and do thier thing. Don't believe it would work out in that small of an area. @jamest0o0
It's hard to breed those damn things... need a very bright light, hot, over 80° and the space for them to fly & mate, and some sort of moist fruit-vegetable coco substrate they then can lay their eggs in, if it drops under 65° all bets are off
I had BSFL breed(in very small numbers) in my bioactive DS atrium(4x2x2). That's the smallest cage I've had it done in lol. And it was not a lot of them.
Would it be possible to breed bsfl in small areas? They can clearly live as larvae in the small containers they come in, would it be possible to keep the flys in an old gallon distilled water jug? I’ve found these bottles very useful. I keep my superworms in them atm and they work good and only take up a small space.
Possible?—Sure, but with some caveats. Lots of videos explaining & showing ways of doing it.

breeding bsfl in a small area

I considered it, but for 1 or 2 lizards, it wasn't a good fit for me. YMMV.
(BSFL grow fast, but so do lizards! ?)

Black Soldier Fly Farming
I dont think it is possible to do it in a gallon jug. Many people struggle even doing it in large enclosures.
I’ve wondered why no one seems to breed their own. I also had a thought or two about trying it. Seems much easier to just buy them.
Edit: just got another awesome batch from Calci grubs. ?
I’ve wondered why no one seems to breed their own. I also had a thought or two about trying it. Seems much easier to just buy them.

Anyone that does it does it in a fairly large enclosure. My enclosure was 4x2x2 and they didn't even breed much in there. I wasn't trying though, it was my cham's enclosure. They just happened to breed in small numbers. I've looked into it a couple times, but don't feel like setting up a whole system to feed 1 chameleon lol.
Yeah, I’m not planning on setting up a large system lol. They are super cheap and I thought maybe I could do something that would take me 5 minutes to set up lol. I didn’t realize they were so picky
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