Is it possible to use a water feature?


Will be getting a veiled chameleon in a month and I was wondering if there was any way I could use a water feature (such as only running it for a few hours during the day or getting a powerful filter). I have a mistking set up, but I like the idea of a waterfall. Would the mistking be enough on its own?
Waterfalls are not the best idea as they can house bacteria and are a hassle to clean. You're probably better off with a dripper and 2-3 hand mistings a day
I would not suggest it. Your chameleon will most likely poo in it more often than drink from it. They also harbor bacteria pretty easily. Unless you want to clean and disinfect the waterfall everyday it isn't a good idea. Your mistking should will be enough water supply. What is the schedule you have set on the timer?
The mistking is on 8 times per day in the morning it is on for like 20 seconds ant it slowly goes up to about 35 seconds in the middle of the day, then it goes back down at night. it goes off about every hour to hour and a half.
Hello, I would like to know if the water needs to be adjusted somehow. Or can I use just tap water? I never found and answer for this.

8 times is an awful lot, it needs time to dry out otherwise he might get a repertory infection id try 3 or 4 times and asses it then.
I mist 4 times a day for 5 minutes at a time. They need to be misted for a few minutes at a time because they need to be stimulated enough to want to drink. what does your %humidity range from?
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