is it time for the vet??


New Member
Chameleon Info:

Your Chameleon - Nosy Mitsio "1.5 years"
Handling - Every day
Feeding - Super Worms usually 2 per day around dinner time, gut loaded with potato's and oats.
Supplements - Miner-All which covers all of the supplements
Watering - He was always drinking, I spray his terrarium 2-3 times daily.
Fecal Description - His droppings from 4 days ago was nice and white and normal looking

Cage Info:

Cage Type - Screen cage about 5 feet tall by 3 feet deep
Lighting - A dual Exo UVB bulb not tube. 13w 5.0. 150w basking bulb easily heating up his terrarium.
Temperature - Anywhere from 70s to 90s based on high and lows of the terrarium and the day.
Humidity - My gauge seems to not be working lately but I mist right around my light creating humidity high in his home.
Plants - The plant is a tree that is safe for chameleons. I checked it online as did the lady that sold me it.
Placement - Main floor
Location - Kitchener Waterloo

Current Problem - Currently my buddy has been experiencing some problems with his eyes. It started out as an itchy eye with him rubbing it. Then it exceled fast within the next 3 days to where he wont open his eyes unless I take him out of his home. Here is what I have done to make matters better.

1. I got him saline solution's and cotton swabbed it over his eyes gently because I noticed it was almost like his eye sticks on him when he blinks.

2. I have now been bathing him waist high in half warm water and half pediolite to hydrate him now that he wont open his eyes.

He ate 3 super warms 4 days ago and was drinking fine and has since striking. His turrets follow my hands so I know hes not blind. So I'm going to take him to the vet tmr unless I get some advice here. I don't want my little man to suffer. The oddest thing is his color is great........

Any advice is much appreciated. ty
just got a zilla 15w tube uvb, my little guy seems to be responding great!:)

I would recomend throwing away any of your bulb uvb from exo. there junk and harmfull
Chameleon Info:

Your Chameleon - Nosy Mitsio "1.5 years" how long have you owned this chameleon?
Handling - Every day
Feeding - Super Worms usually 2 per day around dinner time, gut loaded with potato's and oats. Based on your gut loading and the use of superworms. Im going to assume the answer to my question above is a very short time. I recommend you either A. Switching him from super worms now before it gets to late or B. start gut loading them much better. Check out sandrachameleons or ferretsinmyshoes blogs for great ideas. Im going to strongly recommend you to use crickets instead.
Supplements - Miner-All which covers all of the supplements Indoor/Outdoor...Which one do you have? how often?
Watering - He was always drinking, I spray his terrarium 2-3 times daily. For how long?
Fecal Description - His droppings from 4 days ago was nice and white and normal looking

Cage Info:

Cage Type - Screen cage about 5 feet tall by 3 feet deep
Lighting - A dual Exo UVB bulb not tube. 13w 5.0. 150w basking bulb easily heating up his terrarium. Glad you changed bulbs.
Temperature - Anywhere from 70s to 90s based on high and lows of the terrarium and the day. What is his basking temp set to? 70-90 throughout the cage?
Humidity - My gauge seems to not be working lately but I mist right around my light creating humidity high in his home.
Plants - The plant is a tree that is safe for chameleons. I checked it online as did the lady that sold me it. What are they?
Placement - Main floor
Location - Kitchener Waterloo

Current Problem - Currently my buddy has been experiencing some problems with his eyes. It started out as an itchy eye with him rubbing it. Then it exceled fast within the next 3 days to where he wont open his eyes unless I take him out of his home. Here is what I have done to make matters better.

1. I got him saline solution's and cotton swabbed it over his eyes gently because I noticed it was almost like his eye sticks on him when he blinks.

2. I have now been bathing him waist high in half warm water and half pediolite to hydrate him now that he wont open his eyes.

He ate 3 super warms 4 days ago and was drinking fine and has since striking. His turrets follow my hands so I know hes not blind. So I'm going to take him to the vet tmr unless I get some advice here. I don't want my little man to suffer. The oddest thing is his color is great........

Any advice is much appreciated. ty

See blue in quote.

Hopefully you found the true source behind the eye issue. Looking at your care some plants, improper nutrition (not gut loading correctly, choice of feeders, over supplementing), lights, temps can all effect a chameleons activity and appetite.
I took the liberty of looking at some of your past threads to see how long you've had him.
Iimagine the previous UVB bulbs could have been partly to blame, especially of you had not changed the original bulbs since you got him last April?
I would highly recommend adding different supplements besides just the Minerall Indoor - I do not think it is a complete all-encompassing supplement
the way they say the Repashy Cacium Plus All in One is - yes, since it has a lower dose of Vit D than say the RepCal Calcium with Vit D you can use it much more regularly, I never used mine exclusively, I also had the minerall outdoor and plain repcal calcium which I alternated, and I still did my herptivite multivitamin twice a month.

With the previous clumsiness problems and now an actual eye problem, I would definitely be looking at lighting and vitamin imbalance as likely causes. Improve your gutloading with a variety of healthy fresh vegetables, and possibly consider a very light dose (one tiny drop on a feeder every few weeks is what I did, now less frequently) of a vitamin A capsule. Maybe not enough vit A if you haven't been supplementing with it, or maybe he's one of those that doesn't process preformed and needs proformed. Or maybe it ended up being too much vit D and it's throwing vit A levels off. Lots of possibilities, but often vit A issues go hand in hand with eye issues.
Fill your misting bottle with nice warm water, and use that to mist him, rather than cold water or soaking. Start misting a nearby plant and work your way over to him and back again and so on for several minutes. (They tolerate a warm spray much better than a cold one, as the temperature gets colder as it makes its way out in the spray.)Make it long and relaxing. I know it always seems like its a long time when hand misting, but make sure it really has been Several Minutes. The misting will help him flush his eye, and encourage extra drinking, which always helps, even if you see him drinking, sometimes they need extra opportunity, especially when they're not doing too good. I find my mitsio used to get a little dehydrated every so often before I got my MistKing, whereas my faly never did. And I saw my mitsio drink all the time, never saw my faly drink.
Good luck.
If you need any more advice, please don't hesitate to ask, but do it in this same thread, rather than making more threads, cause I may not find it, but I will be notified of replies to this thread.
if you are using the minerall indoor then you are giving your chameleon d3 every time you dust. Depending on the amount, that may be too much. How long have you been giving him that supplement? Also, I think it is wrong of you to tell people to throw away their exoterra bulbs.On what basis are they harmful and junk? What proof do you have to back up this statement.? Many many members use them with great success, if you are talking about the 5.0's. If you are going to make a statement like that, you need to be more specifiic about what you are using. How old was your bulb by the way? If your gutloading and supplementing were spot on, then you might be able to blame the bulb, but unfortunately they are not.
i think it is just to much rays coming out of a small bulb where as a tube is more balanced. I've also been told from inside info that they make the product as cheap as they possibly can. I can have any feeling about the product that I wish to. I also replace the bulb regularly but thank you for the politically educational response sir)

My cam is doing great now /eating/drinking/the whole shabang.

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