Is lilly gravid? Need help....

I didn't see anyone mention it, so I thought I would..
Her elbows are bent at an odd angle..
I think your chameleon may have MBD. (Metabolic Bone Disease)

Good spot - Vet visit is absolutely necessary.................and urgent.
The viv is looking good to me though - it probably is best to remove the substrate, because it is difficult to monitor and make sure there is no eating of bark going on.......
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she doesn't have mbd it's just the way i positioned her on my finger 4 the pix. she was just holding on 2 my finger (lower body) :rolleyes:

No, that isn't the picture I was talking about.
The one where shes just sitting on the table, and her elbows are clearly bent at an odd angle.
It has nothing to do with the finger..
That is a sign of MBD.
Your chameleon needs a Vet visit.
she doesn't have mbd it's just the way i positioned her on my finger 4 the pix. she was just holding on 2 my finger (lower body) :rolleyes:
The picture with the ruler clearly shows signs of mbd.......
No, that isn't the picture I was talking about.
The one where shes just sitting on the table, and her elbows are clearly bent at an odd angle.
It has nothing to do with the finger..
That is a sign of MBD.
Your chameleon needs a Vet visit.

Agreed, get the Cham to a vet
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