is my adopted chameleon too small for his age of 8-9 months

ok. ok. i am used to caring for my bearded dragon, chameleons are pretty foreign to me. i live in port richey. i will change both of his bulbs this weekend when i get paid then, and we plan on dropping 1000-2000 on equipment and supplies for both the chameleon and bearded dragon, for new vivs, automatic misters, timers ect. and feeder breeder boxes so we can have a constant supply of food, with out me walking to the store once a right now repter eats about 10 worms and 10 crickets two times a day, now i have only had him for about 3 weeks. but he loves to eat

You've definitely come to the right place. There are tons of folks around here with even more TONS of experience. I'm in Tampa, and got the name of a very reputable Vet in the Largo area. I got her name from the guys at Pinellas Reptile Company on Ulmerton just east of Belcher. I haven't gone yet, but I hear that Nichole is wonderful.

Avian and Animal Hospital
11405 Starkey Road
Largo, FL 33773

(727) 398-1928

[email protected]

On the suppliments, dust w/ calcium only every day. Two times a month, use the calcium w/ D3. If you keep him outside for an extended time, you can completely do away with the D3. Once back in side for the cooler months, do the twice a month calcium w/ D3. A multivitamin can be given a couple times a month.
Ok. There is a reptile show every so often in Tampa and Orlando, so look out for those. They're great places to score supplies, sometimes for a little less depending on what you're looking for.

And as far as new cages, if you go for a screen cage for the chameleon check out the ones from LLLReptile. The 4' tall x 2' wide and deep go for about $80 + shipping and are well worth it. Where as a pet store may sell you a little Reptibreeze cage that will rust soon for twice that. The ones from are even cheaper, but I much prefer the LLL ones.
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