Is my cham potty training??


Established Member
Hi everyone!

Recently, Paulie (approx 11 month ambilobe panther chameleon), has started pooping outside his enclosure. He will come up and push on the door at the top corner. When I open the door, he walks halfway out along the top of the door, stops and poops! We go get a paper towel and catch it on the way down. Super handy for examining urate. 🤣 This has happened 4 of the past 5 times he has pooped and I honestly think the one time he didn't is because my husband and I weren't home to let him out. He walks out to the end of the door afterward and I put him back in the enclosure and he goes about his day. Anyone else ever have experiences with stuff like this? He has been in our care a little less than 4 months, and prior to this, he has one spot he liked to poop. But this seems like more than a coincidence to me. Because we all love our scale babies, picture of Paulie attached. 😊


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Literally experiencing the same thing with my panther. He will paw at the door and I let him out. It takes my boy a minute or too but he will eventually poop either on me, the stick i'm holding him with or his free range. He has been doing this since December..... very handy for cleaning the enclosure but also ...not fun to be pooped on.
Literally experiencing the same thing with my panther. He will paw at the door and I let him out. It takes my boy a minute or too but he will eventually poop either on me, the stick i'm holding him with or his free range. He has been doing this since December..... very handy for cleaning the enclosure but also ...not fun to be pooped on.
Exactly the same!!! 🥰
Hi everyone!

Recently, Paulie (approx 11 month ambilobe panther chameleon), has started pooping outside his enclosure. He will come up and push on the door at the top corner. When I open the door, he walks halfway out along the top of the door, stops and poops! We go get a paper towel and catch it on the way down. Super handy for examining urate. 🤣 This has happened 4 of the past 5 times he has pooped and I honestly think the one time he didn't is because my husband and I weren't home to let him out. He walks out to the end of the door afterward and I put him back in the enclosure and he goes about his day. Anyone else ever have experiences with stuff like this? He has been in our care a little less than 4 months, and prior to this, he has one spot he liked to poop. But this seems like more than a coincidence to me. Because we all love our scale babies, picture of Paulie attached. 😊
I think there's something to it. Because Spike poops in very specific places as well. Granted, he stays inside his enclosure. That's hilarious that Paulie waits to get outside his enclosure lol
I should also add that Spike specifically does go to the very edge of his enclosure (usually), towards me to poop lol So it's almost like he also wants out of his enclosure to poop but even when the doors are open he just goes to the edge.
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