Is my Cham sick :(


New Member
I've had my Cham for 2 weeks and "she's" (I think it might be a female but I've had mixed answers) been eating fine, this morning I woke up to find she had pooped twice and they're was undigested superworms. She then ate a few crickets and 2 super worms and she had a normal stool. Then about an hour later she hate a very watery urate but good in color. Mostly white. She's usually a very teal and green color but today she has been very dark. She much more active than usual as she's been roaming around around the cage. I'll attach pics


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That is a female. Her markings of that of a female, but the sure way to tell is the back of the back heels. The males have a bump on them, and the females do not. She could very well have eggs to lay. Do you have a laying set up for her. Roaming around the cage can be a sign.
That is a female. Her markings of that of a female, but the sure way to tell is the back of the back heels. The males have a bump on them, and the females do not. She could very well have eggs to lay. Do you have a laying set up for her. Roaming around the cage can be a sign.


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And I thought that might be what was going on as well, I put a container with some Eco earth on the bottom of the cage. I don't think she's noticed it yet but I was wondering if that is a good substrate for her if she has to lay eggs?
Ditto! what Carol5208 said.

She just went down to the container I put for her, this is actually the first time I've seen her go down to the bottom so I'm starting to think she does have to lay eggs. I've caught her a few times eating the substrate, is that okay?
From what I know, eating the substrate can cause impacting and is bad! I have a male and am new to this but it looks like a lot of female owners use towels? Good luck, hope she is OK!


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She looks bloated imo, I'll attach pics of her so I can get some opinions.

And this is what I have for her laying bin, is that ok? I hope it's big enough, I'd say maybe a foot in height. And about 8 inch of Eco earth. And she started off today by hissing and trying to bite me, but I covered her cage with towels and when I went in for a peek she automatically came to me and walked all over my arm and shoulder. I was so happy.


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