Is my chameleon gone:(

I'd call and get my money back, either the crickets had parasites, or your cham came with them

If it was a WC(wild caught) import, they normally have a parasites. So when purchasing a WC, its best to just go to the vet and deworm them. WC are sometimes risky and tricky to own, unlike CB(captive bred) or ch(captive hatched).
the guy i bought it from shouldve dewormed his reptiles before he came to the pet show because they coulve spred the worms to other animals there. plus he ever told me if it was already dewormed
the guy i bought it from shouldve dewormed his reptiles before he came to the pet show because they coulve spred the worms to other animals there. plus he ever told me if it was already dewormed

well when it comes to WC's there is always that chance which is why, when buying a chameleon that is wild caught, the first thing todo is go to the vet to check everything is okay. I dont know how the procedure is in caring WC's from the people you got yours from but you dont normally worry about it in CB or CH...
I'm sorry to have to say this...but you are wasting valuable need to get it to a vet NOW if you want to have even a chance of it surviving....and even with that it likely won't.

If it does happen to survive you need to make some changes to the way you keep it.

Its definitely a male. You shouldn't be handling it so often. 4 crickets a week is likely not enough to feed him although Jackson's are not huge eaters.

With Jackson's you definitely need to be careful with the D3....twice a month is enough since it should produce the rest from its exposure to the UVB light.

Jackson's are a montane species and need a drop in temperature at unless your house temperature goes below 60F you don't need any heat...and you definitely don't need a light (even if it is infrared).

Is the UVB light a long linear tube or a compact or what? What brand is it?

If the chameleon ingested any of the moss it could cause an impaction.

I don't know how cold it is in Missouri...but IMHO the cage should not be by the window at night.

What is the temperature in the basking area? The rest of the cage?

Before you worry about the above questions/comments you still need to get it to a vet.
My chameleon isnt doing very well, I founnd him last night on the ground of his tank lying there. I opened the cage and picked up. i noticed that he wasnt moving , but i knew he was still alive . I know he hasnt been eating very well , but has been drinking water pretty good. I put him in a container with holes in it with a weet towel that was warm. and put a heat pad under it to get it humid in the container . I also gave him dehydration,starvation, shock drops. i went to sleep but he still not moving and im not sure if hes dead or if hes severly sick . I got him a couple of weeks ago , and so i thought maybe he has parasites can you please help me determine if hes alive and wat to do!
Take him to the vet!! ASAP
Sorry JC thats a shame, but dont blame yourself. When your ready to give it another shot ,I'm sure folk here can recommend somewhere to by a healthy cb animal, or perhaps sell you one they bred?
Best wishes
Awe I am sorry to hear the little guy didn't make it. That is so sad. If you decide to get another chameleon there are many sponsors on our site that will sell you a chameleon with a health guarantee. We are here to help you if you decide on getting another one. This forum is a great place to learn and everyone is here to answer any questions as best we can. Good luck and so sorry for your loss.
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