Is my chameleon okay???

I have a 4 month old female veiled chameleon I bout her from PetSmart about a month or so ago. She's had a little bump on her eye since we got her, but I am getting concerned that something is wrong. We use a hand mister every hour or so and the humidity is usually 50-80% we have uva and uvb bulbs on a 12 hour on and 12 hour off timer. We occasionally feed her some mealworms but mostly crickets. We also FEED the crickets calcium is it better to dust them?
She also just got through shedding here are some pictures
I'm sorry I'm not sure about the eye... But you shouldn't feed her meal worms, it could cause impaction. Also make sure your feeding your crickets a good meal of greens and dust with calcium without d3 every feeding and dust with d3 calcium twice every month.
I can't tell by the picture, but she may have an infection.

Secondly, I would advise you get the Zamioculcas zamiifolia out of her enclosure. All parts of the plant are poisonous and you can see how much she has eaten in the first pic above.

The other plant, Aglaonema modestrum, is also considered to be toxic to "animals". While I don't always feel this applies to chameleons as a whole, I wouldn't use this in an enclosure with a veiled.
I agree with jpowell86. It's hard to tell for sure in the pic but it does look like an infection in her eye. I hate to say it, but I would get her to a good reptile vet to look at that eye she may need some antibiotics. I don't mean to scare you but years ago when I first started I had a cham eat a poisonous plant, and he expired fairly quickly so keep a close eye on her, and make sure she doesn't get lethargic. Take Joel's advise and remove those plants he knows what he is talking about where plants, and chams go.
People need to really stop buying from Pet Smart/PetCo and buy from reputable breeders or reptile specialty stores.
I agree with this but at the same time I don't. I feel the petstores should have the proper care for them, have good breeders and give out true information you can trust, but if you do research and set your cage up right I think its fine. I got my veiled from petco and he is my whole life. I did my research and looked for a healthy cham. After I got him I took him to the vet. I have no problem with the petstores carrying chams as long as the setup is right and then people buying did research. I know ill probably get hate or bashed for this but its just my opinion.
I can't tell by the picture, but she may have an infection.

Secondly, I would advise you get the Zamioculcas zamiifolia out of her enclosure. All parts of the plant are poisonous and you can see how much she has eaten in the first pic above.

The other plant, Aglaonema modestrum, is also considered to be toxic to "animals". While I don't always feel this applies to chameleons as a whole, I wouldn't use this in an enclosure with a veiled.
Oh my gosh THANK YOU SO MUCH my mom bought the plants and she couldn't find ficus trees so she didn't know what else to get her she tried looking it up but she has the old iPhone 4 that she has had for 5 years and it crashed so she couldn't look up anything is she gonna be okay what should I do???
I agree with jpowell86. It's hard to tell for sure in the pic but it does look like an infection in her eye. I hate to say it, but I would get her to a good reptile vet to look at that eye she may need some antibiotics. I don't mean to scare you but years ago when I first started I had a cham eat a poisonous plant, and he expired fairly quickly so keep a close eye on her, and make sure she doesn't get lethargic. Take Joel's advise and remove those plants he knows what he is talking about where plants, and chams go.
Okay what should I do I live in Tennessee and my parents are out of town until LATE tomorrow night I'm with my cousin WHAT DO I DO HELP ME PLEASE
I removed that green plant and called my dad he said to leave the pinkish one in since it isn't poisonous to chams and we're going to buy umbrella plants or ficus trees (those are the right ones correct?) and she doesn't seem like anythings bothering her thank you so much for everything we also have a panther egg incubating should be here 11-21-16 so we are very excited for that we're getting its tank set up in the next month or so any advice for that?
I removed that green plant and called my dad he said to leave the pinkish one in since it isn't poisonous to chams and we're going to buy umbrella plants or ficus trees (those are the right ones correct?) and she doesn't seem like anythings bothering her thank you so much for everything we also have a panther egg incubating should be here 11-21-16 so we are very excited for that we're getting its tank set up in the next month or so any advice for that?
Yes those plants are safe.
Now, I don't know if it's just me but your girl looks rather plump. Her legs look a bit swollen to me too. How much are you feeding her? Are you sure she is 4mo old?
And you're probably going to need to buy a larger screen cage for her. Glass tanks and veileds sound like a respiratory infection bound to happen. Just my two cents though, I don't have any experience with a veiled.
I think your girl is gravid you need to set her up a laying ben. I'll leave you a video link to how to set one up. I would guess her to be over 6 months. Sorry all this is coming down on you at once while your parents are gone, but by the looks of her you need to act fast or she could become egg bound. It's good you got the poison plat out, and like was said the plant's you mentioned are safe. Glass enclosures like yours are ok as long as they are large enough, yours looks small in the pic how large is it? And lastly when your parents get home you'll need to get that eye looked at. Good luck, and above all don't panic.
Yes those plants are safe.
Now, I don't know if it's just me but your girl looks rather plump. Her legs look a bit swollen to me too. How much are you feeding her? Are you sure she is 4mo old?
And you're probably going to need to buy a larger screen cage for her. Glass tanks and veileds sound like a respiratory infection bound to happen. Just my two cents though, I don't have any experience with a veiled.
We feed her somewhere around 12 crickets a day sometimes more if she's still hungry (my dad spoils her sometimes when we have baby crickets and she gave her 48 but he never did that again) at the most 20 but sometimes she goes a day with only eating 2 or none at all but that's usually when she's shedding
I think your girl is gravid you need to set her up a laying ben. I'll leave you a video link to how to set one up. I would guess her to be over 6 months. Sorry all this is coming down on you at once while your parents are gone, but by the looks of her you need to act fast or she could become egg bound. It's good you got the poison plat out, and like was said the plant's you mentioned are safe. Glass enclosures like yours are ok as long as they are large enough, yours looks small in the pic how large is it? And lastly when your parents get home you'll need to get that eye looked at. Good luck, and above all don't panic.

Ok the people at PetSmart said she was 4 months but I'm really not sure... Thank you so much FIRST THING when my parents get home I will get all that set up or will it be to late? And is it possible to not go to an exotic vet but possibly a regular one? We live in Tennessee and the nearest exotic vet is 3-4 hours away any ideas? Thank you for being so much help I will try to get better pictures when I get home from getting the plants and some crickets with my cousins. Also sorry for all the questions but I feed my cricket like calcium cricket food is that bad? I will send pictures of it when I get home
Ok the people at PetSmart said she was 4 months but I'm really not sure... Thank you so much FIRST THING when my parents get home I will get all that set up or will it be to late? And is it possible to not go to an exotic vet but possibly a regular one? We live in Tennessee and the nearest exotic vet is 3-4 hours away any ideas? Thank you for being so much help I will try to get better pictures when I get home from getting the plants and some crickets with my cousins. Also sorry for all the questions but I feed my cricket like calcium cricket food is that bad? I will send pictures of it when I get home
If it can't be done before your parents get home then it's going to have to wait. She will most likely be ok, but you need to do it ASAP those eggs are looking pretty well developed. As far as the cricket food goes it all depends on the brand. A long with the dry you should also be feeding your insects greens, like mustard greens, collard greens, dandelion greens and such. If you are not already doing so you need to dust your insects with calcium with d3 twice a month, and without d3 at about every feeding. Good luck
If it can't be done before your parents get home then it's going to have to wait. She will most likely be ok, but you need to do it ASAP those eggs are looking pretty well developed. As far as the cricket food goes it all depends on the brand. A long with the dry you should also be feeding your insects greens, like mustard greens, collard greens, dandelion greens and such. If you are not already doing so you need to dust your insects with calcium with d3 twice a month, and without d3 at about every feeding. Good luck
Thank you so much I'm going to see is there's any way my uncle can drive me down town when my cousin goes to work at 3
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