Is my Female a male?


New Member
OK so I have had her for almost a year, I bought her as a baby in June so I imagine she is about 1 year old.. I have been showing her to my male and she get Black stripes so i put her back.. I notice that she does have a bulge at the base of the tail! At one year if she was a he wouldnt she be Blue or green or more colorful, she is still the pink and or teal pastel color as she was when a baby..

What do you think?


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I dunno, I say a female. I think the chameleon is just a bit fatter hehe.

Then again, there isn't much color on it.

Has she/he laid eggs?
I dunno, I say a female. I think the chameleon is just a bit fatter hehe.

Then again, there isn't much color on it.

Has she/he laid eggs?

LOL No eggs, that would have answered my question.. I was planning to breed her to my male but she always gets so pissed.. and then i noticed the bulge at the tail base, and i though only males have that.. She is an ambanja I purchase from Kammerflage creations..

Heidi :)
Could you get a picture of the tail base at another angle? 3 or 4 angles would be nice.
LOL No eggs, that would have answered my question.. I was planning to breed her to my male but she always gets so pissed.. and then i noticed the bulge at the tail base, and i though only males have that.. She is an ambanja I purchase from Kammerflage creations..

Heidi :)

hmmmm... is she from glorfindel's lineage?
i very much doubt that yours are male.
Most likely a female with too much testosterone. :)
So, a bout a year and show no sign of digging at all?
Yep about a year, no digging at all, I need to find the receipt to know who she is out of.. My husband bought her for me at the reptile show in June 2008

Here are more pictures I tried to get different angles..

the pastel color ones i took today, the dark one is of her a couple hours after i showed her to the male on Sat..

Thanks for all your help..

Heidi :)


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This has to be one of the oddest cases of sexing a Pardalis I have seen yet. All of the telling signs seem to be sitting right in the middle of the road. That bulge is trying to be a bulge but is not quite there. Definitely a gender confused Pardalis.
When i put her in with my male he darts at her and she runs and turns black so I always take her out right away.. Really sucks I paid top dollar and i have a nice male i wanted to breed her to! I guess I will rename it "Pat" maybe incubated at high temps? I know with bearded dragons when incubated at real high temps you get "Hot" females, very aggressive and hard to breed..

Its just that Lump that confuses me, I don't know much about the chams, do female have any lump there?
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