Is my Female Panther ready?


New Member
Hi everyone!

So I've been reading a few other threads about 'is my female ready for breeding' and I see a lot of people have been suggesting to take a picture when they are relaxed after lights out & the colours will determine if they are ready!

So here's my female all relaxed... What do you think? She's definitely old enough (1.5 years old) but when I put her with my male she is not receptive! Whenever I put her with my male she is not receptive for sure! The other day I thought she was receptive as she didn't hiss or gape, but did go only slightly darker. Should I just keep trying? Or is she just not a breeder?

I'd love to know what you all think :)

Try bringing the male to her cage. Hold him at the door on the hand. If she flares up, gapes or hisses, put male back in cage. Wait 3-5 days. Try again. Try different times of the day. I have the most success at 3pm (lights on @ 7am and off 7pm). Some do better after a heavy misting. The most important detail is her coloring. There is a great video under Breeding by Dez on it.
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