Hi, I am not new to reptiles but I am new to chameleons. I have a 4 week old veiled cham (purchased him when he was 1 week old...I know that is young but I have done enough research that I am confident I can raise him healthy). So as everyone else probably did, I made his cage very dense with foliage and vines and sticks, I was feeding him by just putting 10-15 crickets in there with enough time in the day for him to hopefully get most of them. I was worried that because of all the hiding spots I would not be able to get all of the crickets out or see them before night. So I went and bought a decent sized aquarium and filled it just like his other cage. I put the same amount of crickets in there and give him about 2 hours or so in there to hunt. I know that cup feeding is what a lot of people do but I really want him to still be able to hunt. Is this an ok method or should I work on getting him used to being cup fed?