Is my new Panther a male or female?

While I understand that it is ENTIRELY TOO EARLY to have any results from the Calcium treatments. And I'm not saying that it was that that has given him new energy.....
I'm thrilled to see that he poops just fine. Every day. He drinks and eats like a horse, too.
Today he RAN to his feeding bowl after his oral calcium drop and ate every dusted cricket and the few wax worms that were there. Then walked over to the dripper and took a long drink.
He hadn't Previously.
I was so happy to see that!
His favorite "hang out" area has the UVB dialed in right at 3.0. And 82 degrees. Daytime humidity is about 50%.
I have a 73° night time temp and have added night time humidifiers to that and all of my other cages for a nice high night time raise in humidity.

I'm pretty optimistic about his future.
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I'm happy that he's doing better. He's very lucky to be in the hands of someone who cares about him. I hope that he continues to thrive under your care.
While I understand that it is ENTIRELY TOO EARLY to have any results from the Calcium treatments. And I'm not saying that it was that that has given him new energy.....
I'm thrilled to see that he poops just fine. Every day. He drinks and eats like a horse, too.
Today he RAN to his feeding bowl after his oral calcium drop and ate every dusted cricket and the few wax worms that were there. Then walked over to the dripper and took a long drink.
He hadn't Previously.
I was so happy to see that!
His favorite "hang out" area has the UVB dialed in right at 3.0. And 82 degrees. Daytime humidity is about 50%.
I have a 73° night time temp and have added night time humidifiers to that and all of my other cages for a nice high night time raise in humidity.

I'm pretty optimistic about his future.
73*F is a little high for nighttime temps. Is there any way you could lower it?
It's the reason why I opted out of getting a Jacksons.
My other chams are Veileds.
Veileds actually tolerate (and prefer) lower night temps than panthers. Could you at least get it to 68*F, or even 70*F at the highest (68*F or lower preferably, though)?
His name is now officially "number three".
He is continuing to improve.
He's sturdier and more active.
No longer wobbly and he's taking his calcium drops well.
I've been giving him more D3 dusting than I normally would too.
However, he still has tongue issues. He'd rather stick half his body into the feeding cup and eat the bugs a few inches away than send his tongue out very far.
But baby steps. I suppose.
This is the latest photo of the MBD patient.
His tail is still dark from the recent blood draw.
His latest Xray shows an increase in bone density. But I'll need to continue his oral Calcium medication for at least another month.
He is on his way to a long and healthy life.


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