Is my veiled cham a female?


New Member
I got Velma about a year ago at Petsmart. I was told she was a female, but I was told the males have spurs. I need help identifying if she is in fact a she. She hasn't laid any eggs so I am starting to wonder...:confused: I attached 2 pictures. Let me know what you guys think. Thanks!


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Well, I am not yet an EXPERT when it comes to veileds (I have only had a female for just over a year and a male for a couple of weeks now) but she actually looks like a he! The colours look more male (nothing like Yuki at all, either relaxed, basking, stressed or angry). Nice picture of his back foot though, you can see his spur really well!

I do find him kind of confusing though. His casque looks really small for a male veiled (especially one over a year old) I can understand the confusion!
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