Is she close to maturity?


New Member
Hi I have a female veiled around 7-8 months old if not older.... She recently got these orange stripes and a little bit of turquoise on her.... I know that the adults have these colors.... I gues my question is should I start looking out for eggs? Is she full size.... I'm not going to breed her at this time but in the future I may..... What should I look out for when looking for eggs... Can u tell if there are eggs in her now? I felt her but not sure what to feel for....


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She definitely looks gravid to me, you should get a laying bin ready for her asap. in my experience when they first get the orange stripes and blue/turquoise dots it coincides with them becoming gravid for the first time.
This is not true at all.

SHe has reached sexual maturity, but that doesn't mean she has eggs.

SHe does not appear to be gravid, though it is good to have a lay bin for her, that she has access to 24/7 to prevent you from missing the signs.
She has two laying boxes available for her so im not worried about that.... the only thing im worried about is her becoming egg bound or something... is there any special care she needs during this time besides her normal care?
She has two laying boxes available for her so im not worried about that.... the only thing im worried about is her becoming egg bound or something... is there any special care she needs during this time besides her normal care?

some people give extra calcium when they know the female is gravid.

as long as she has access to laying bins, she should be fine when its her time.
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